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Ciklum Android Practice Leaders Meet-Up // Groovy on Android, Dnepropetrovsk, October 9

On October 9, iklum will please the Dnepropetrovsk audience interested in developing Android applications.
We invite everyone to join the regular Groovy Android Practice Leaders Community meeting.

“A good developer always tries to increase his efficiency. We choose new frameworks, we study new approaches, trying to stay on the wave of the latest innovations. This is especially true for mobile developers, because Today it is probably the fastest growing trend in IT. Most recently, Apple introduced the public new language - Swift, many of us have already had the opportunity to work with him. Without a doubt, it will become more popular Objective-C. But is there a decent alternative for Android? There is! And her name is Groovy! ”

At this seminar, Alexander Leuschenko, an experienced cross-platform developer, will look at Java, Swift, and Groovy code samples, and also look at how you can easily use all the benefits of Groovy without rewriting your Android application from scratch.

Participation in the event is free by prior registration goo.gl/61iNdT
Date: October 9, 2014
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Location: Dnepropetrovsk, Barrikadnaya St., 15-a, building 3. 12th floor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239103/

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