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Cleanser for cleaning thoughts

Some, when solving a difficult task, consult a plush toy - it helps to throw out the accumulated thoughts, and, as it were, to analyze them from the outside.
I prefer typing. I just open a text document and start writing everything that I have accumulated in my head.
At the same time, the fact of the process itself is important to me, and not the printed text. That process allows you to clear the mind.

Made a web page to simplify the process - each printed letter disappears in 10 seconds. Nothing is saved.

I hope someone will also be useful.

Thanks for attention.

You should not swear at the use of jquery in such a simple task - finding the appropriate libraries or writing on vanilla would take several times longer.
In the console, you can set the window.timer variable to a comfortable number of seconds.
Fonts / colors correct / add on request.
On the tablets does not work. And there is no sense, probably. Here it is better to fasten speech api. But this is some other time.

github.com/Zav39/ClearMyMind - you can run locally, add or whatever you want.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239045/

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