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New Ruby Books

It has long been out of fresh books in Russian language Ruby. How do you think?

We have preselected several potential candidates for translation and want to learn about the opinions of our readers.

1. The Well-Grounded Rubyist
2. Metaprogramming Ruby 2

3. And one more - on the Rails framework. Obi Fernandez's book The Rails Way (2007) has already been translated into Russian and has been very popular and in demand. This is the second edition, adapted to the 4th version. Please just take into account that now there will be almost 1000 pages in it, which means in production it will not be cheap. For all its merits, will our readers be ready to spend ~ 1500 rubles on such a book?
The rails 4 way

Please note which books (one or more) in Russian you would like to see on your bookshelf (or your tablet). We will be grateful for a comment on your opinion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239015/

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