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High technology in the banking sector ... or how I received a credit card at VTB24

All that is written here is the purest truth. This is how VTB24 works. Ultra modern bank.

To pay for purchases on PayPal, you often have to visit Sberbank to deposit money on your debit card.
Standing idle for half an hour in the queue and looking at the logo with the signature "Founded in 1841" and I want to add "... and since then nothing has changed!" )

It turns out Sber is not the worst choice. I want to share the practice of obtaining a rechargeable credit card at VTB24.
It was this year.

January 28 :
I go to the VTB24 website and am pleasantly surprised at the availability of the online credit card order form. Fill, send.
January 29 :
In the morning a nice girl calls back from the bank and wonders if I want to order another card. Essno say yes.
She says that I can send the necessary documents to her by e-mail. After the gimor with Sbother, I'm really surprised))
On the same day I send her a scan of the passport, military ID and NDFL-2 certificates in various letters because of the large volume.

January 30 :
Calls back, reports that accidentally deleted one of my letters.
I send it again.
Received all the documents, asks to fill out a form by phone. I answer three dozen questions. He reports that within three to five days my profile will be considered by the credit committee and they will call me back. She said that delays are possible.

It immediately strained me, since the site said in black and white that the time period for consideration of applications was exactly 3 days.

February 19 :
It took more than two weeks. Lost my nerves. I am writing this girl on the soap question about what is happening with my card.
Comes the answer: “Good afternoon. I advise you to contact the Bank branches with a package of documents. ”
Absolutely not understand what is happening.

February 20 :
I go to the bank branch. I describe the situation. They answer me that they can’t help with anything, that the map hasn’t been done to me yet and I’m like calling the hotline. Give the phone.

I call, I explain the problem to the operator, I hang out for almost 20 minutes listening to music. The operator replies that they have lost (!) My documents and that I need to go to a bank branch and arrange everything new in offline.

February 21 :
I make copies of all documents (enough to sit at the copier). I go to the bank branch. I explain the situation.
They say that it is necessary to fill out a questionnaire in paper form (about 10 pages, the information should be spelled in the cells).
Give the form. Fill out the form, return. The operator says that she gave me an old form and what to fill in with a new one.
I can not stand it, take the form with me and go home.

February 27 :
Come with a completed questionnaire. The operator is taking pictures of me. And he reports, as before, “within three to five days my credit questionnaire will be considered by a credit commission and they will call me back”.

Around March 12 : It takes about two weeks. They call me back and tell me that they give me a loan and they will make a card in five days. "Pleased" by the fact that the credit limit was reduced for unknown reasons by 2 times.

Around March 20 : It takes more than a week, I come for the map. The operator reports that something incomprehensible happened to my photo. Photographs again. Issues a card.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23900/

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