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Health through the ass: smart pillow out on Kickstarter

Sit back, Kickstarter has something that seems very necessary for us: a smart pillow Darma for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. In contrast to the numerous trackers of user activity already, this is an inactivity tracker, or, one can say, a representative of a new class of smartass devices.

Inside the cushion are 6 sensors only 1 mm thick, the result of five years of development by a group of Chinese engineers. They argue that it captures breathing, pulse, stress level (sorry, not explained - how) and sitting posture more accurately and more efficiently than any other device on the market.

Dharma sensors are medically accurate

The evolution of the PCB "Dharma"

In combination with a mobile (iOS, Android) and desktop application, the pillow does not allow the owner to swim fat: after studying the user's habits, Darma advises the correct posture:

Straighten back

reminds when to get up:

- You sat on my man purse, or what?

recommends exercises for stretching:

- Mr. President, if the sanctions do not work - try to just hit him with your elbow

"Dharma" is named after Bodhidharma , the patriarch of Buddhism and the inventor of Zen and meditation. The idea is to combine wisdom and a sedentary lifestyle. Let's say if she fixes stress, she will recommend breathing exercises:

Time to meditate a little

The collection of money is underway, but three times more than the stated amount of $ 40,000 has already been collected. According to the project schedule, the mass production of “Dharma” will go in May next year, and the first buyers will receive them in June. The price of $ 199 makes it a very interesting offer in a number of different fitness gadgets - it does not show the time, but it knows much more about your health.

Pillow operation time - a month from one charge. The most beautiful thing in it, perhaps, is that if a battery sits in the iPhone, it will turn into a brick with a glass surface. And if the battery sits in the “Dharma” - it will still remain a pillow! By the way, Darma is compatible with Apple Healthkit.

For those who are not ready to wait until June - a couple more devices in this genre:

I added the news and wanted to get up and walk. Of course, I restrained myself, but the rush was counted. Good pillow!

Darma on Kickstarter: www.kickstarter.com/projects/junhao/darma-sit-smart-for-a-healthy-body-and-mind

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because they asked me to

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238967/

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