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11 basic principles of effective landing

So, you launched an advertising campaign, and the traffic went to the landing pages. In order to convert visitors into buyers / subscribers, etc. (depending on the goals), your task is to create all conditions for the visitor to perform the desired action. Before looking for secrets and tricks that will raise the conversion, it is worth going through the basic principles.

The basic elements of the landing page can be grouped as “design” and “copywriting” components. Design is a heart, it will generate emotions, direct attention and attract to the most important thing - a call to action. Copywriting is a brain, a textual presentation of arguments and facts, a description of a sentence that either inclines the visitor to perform a certain action, or makes you close the page and reject your valuable offer for all time. Where to start?


1. Send the user to the relevant, targeted page.

What type of advertisements do you attract the user?
Both SEO traffic and contextual banner ads have a common goal - to bring targeted traffic to a specific page. Use a simple formula: one goal - one message - one action - one page.

Have you already prosegmented your visitors and have several segments? Then lay a separate route for each type of audience on a specific landing page. Let the advertising message correspond to the type of audience and the expected action from the visitor. When setting goals in analytics, the rule also applies: one goal is one landing page.

2. No surprises

Hot evening, vacation, Thailand. You meet a beautiful lady, walk into your room. And suddenly, it turns out that she ... it is not at all she. Fright, disappointment, frustration ... Cheated expectations are not welcome anywhere.

Provide the user with uniformity: visual, textual. By the time a person clicks on your banner or link, you have already formed a certain expectation. Justify him.

In the design of both the banner and the landing page, build on the brand or a specific offer / product. Corporate colors and fonts in advertising and on the landing will help to connect them together in the user's head.

In the case of contextual advertising, the uniformity of user experience that you create will be expressed in high or low quality score for keywords (Quality Score). The higher it is, the more advertising messages and keywords correspond to the content of the page from the point of view of the search engine.

When creating advertising campaigns, selecting keywords and linking landing pages to them, segment. Segment customer types and the sources from which you lead them to specific pages.

3. Focus on the title and subtitles.

Imagine yourself passing by a kiosk with a press. You stop looking for a split second to see large headlines. If one of them attracts your attention, you will stop for a few seconds to read. And if it turns out to be interesting enough, you even buy this edition, right?

Make the title clear, visible and relevant, because this is the most important text element on the page, along with a call to action. Only one fifth of the visitors who read the headline will read something else on the page.

In terms of content, three types of headings are most often used on landing pages:

- A guide demonstrating a positive consequence, an advantage
- Appeal, appealing to the fear of loss (or loss of profit)
- Question

In practice, the strongest is the demonstration of benefits, and the worst is the question. An appeal to negative consequences works well if you offer a solution to a very specific problem that bothers the user. Creativity is generally better to leave for other classes. Creative headlines are usually converted much worse than simple and clear.

9 signs of a good title:

- names advantages, not characteristics
- simple, clear, focused
- uses public opinion and feedback
- promises to receive benefits in a specific period
- plausible and feasible result
- offers potential relief and user friendliness
- appeals to “authoritative opinion”
- creates a feeling of limited goods, time, etc.
- contains keywords, optimized for search engines

4. Get rid of excess

First, the landing page does not need navigation. Secondly, as few external links as possible. When working on the design of the landing page, it is important to consider both the goals of the business and the buyer. They can intersect. If any of the elements does not serve any of them, perhaps it is better to remove it.

Remember that you have already paid for the visitor to be on this page? Focus on important information and action. If the visitor is really interested in additional information about your company or the location on the map, he may visit your site another time. Do not put links leading away from the act.

5. Less text?

The world has taken a tendency to reduce the length of the text everywhere. Journalists refuse long materials, websites crush text content as they can, advise and landing page. Supposedly the visitor is a cretin, not ready to handle more than 500 characters, and indeed he reads with difficulty, so you need to reduce it to be like on Twitter ... The argument is convincing, but.

There is an unspoken rule - the closer to the purchase, the longer the text. If you need subscribers, contacts, then a short text will be enough. If the goal of conversion is a purchase, besides not the cheapest (and we are not talking about the essentials of things like the iPhone 6+), then it is better to think about a longer and more convincing text. To disclose the value of the proposal, you need time, which in this case is equivalent to the length of the landing page.

An example of how “6 times longer, 52% more efficient” by Rand Fishkin

6. The fold - scroll, scroll

And on the contrary, do not create unjustified difficulties for the user in finding information about your business. Carry information about what you do on the first screen (before the need to scroll), if possible.

Contrary to the popularity of “sackcloths” - infinitely long landing pages on 5-8 screens - the study of heat maps shows that much more attention is focused on the first screen.

Convincing textual content, interest in a product or service, emotional involvement will force the visitor to scroll down and find the cherished button in the depth of several screens. But ... On long landings, it is better to leave the CTA (Call to action) button fixed or repeated on each screen. It is not always possible to predict at what point the visitor is “ready.” Therefore, the call to action must be visible.

A few words about perception

Climbing the visitor directly in the brain, we find there standard processes. The general rules of web content perception and Aytreking state that a page is scanned according to the F-pattern / mesh model. The flow of important information should be located on the left, as it focuses the most attention. F-grid means that the user first looks at the top line, then moves down the left side of the screen, making the second horizontal movement in the middle, slightly shorter than the first.

Eye tracking center, Institute for Software ergonomics and usability AG

On e-commerce sites, the second horizontal slide is slightly lower than usual due to scanning the image of the product. Users also linger for a significant amount of time in the upper right part of the page where the price is placed and the “add to cart” button.

The data of nngroup.com research on light tracking suggests that attention is distributed as follows:

- Left side of the screen - 69% user time
- The right side of the screen - 30% of user time

As for scrolling, the key points, of course, should be made on the first screen, since the time that the user spends on viewing is distributed as follows:

- To scroll 80.3%
- Below scroll 19.7%

7. Consistency and Emotion

All design and text elements must be consistent with your brand values.

The logo is the face of your landing page.

The visitor should at least remember him at the next meeting.

With a tastefully designed and placed logo - an essential attribute of absolutely every landing page. The logo should convey the spirit of your brand and its individuality to both old and new customers. The logo, in itself, is able to reveal the essence of the company's business ... Well, or kill everything ...

The usual logo is placed at the top of the page, this is another cliche, proven experience. If everyone knows your brand, even children, then what are you doing here, then branding can not be abused. In general, use marketing wisely!


Do images on the site and stock pictures convey the idea of ​​your business? On the site it is desirable to use pictures that coincide with the idea of ​​business . As we wrote earlier, in the trend of e-commerce design - large images. Around this large image and should build your landing page. Large graphics, large text of the main message - that's all you need to bring your business message to the visitor. But do not limit yourself to just pictures.

8. Experiment with content types (data, information).

According to the unbounce.com experiment, the best emotional effect and involvement will help to achieve video on the landing page . It has been experimentally proven that both embedded video and videophone have an intense emotional effect and give a deeper understanding of the product, increasing conversions. The visitor is more likely to spend a long time on the page, watching the video than reading the text.

Not every product requires a video demonstration. We wrote about the need to meet the user's expectations, to be consistent and remove all unnecessary. Do not overload the video page if it is not needed. If you do not know whether or not - test it.

For example, the GoPro landing video is not just exciting, it also perfectly conveys the company's values ​​and the lifestyle it associates with - being a hero and living every day at the limit of its capabilities.

Be sure to give the visitor the opportunity to share your video and page, just like GoPro gives you the opportunity to document your exciting life and share the best moments online ...

9. Possibility of distribution

Give the visitor the opportunity to post your video directly to Facebook or Twitter. Better yet, the whole page can be easily shared on social networks. In addition to the fact that the recommendations of real users increase the credibility of your brand, social shere also have a good influence on the search results of the page.

10. Do not make conclusions - test!

Everything has value - colors, pictures, location, test everything that helps to involve, retain and convert the visitor.

A / B testing and other metrics help to determine exactly what affects your landing page. If you think that the image of a pink elephant will bring more conversions to your site than a gray elephant - test this assumption.

Study dynamicwebsolutions

Internet marketers, designers, psychologists are looking for a philosopher's stone, which will turn everything around into gold ... But, alas, there is no recipe for the magic big orange button in the lower right corner, with a CTR of 100%. Big or small? Green or red? What text color? With or without an arrow? There is only one way to find out what will work - testing!

Call to action

Your call to action, or CTA, is the primary goal of converting a visitor to your landing page. Options for the expected actions on the page: purchase, subscribe to a newsletter, call or order a callback, download an e-book, file, product demo version or request information.

CTA is advised to place in the landing site, where the greatest concentration of positive emotions - after the video, opposite the happy face. At the basic level, the button should be visible anywhere on the landing page, and have a clear text of the call. You need to test both the button design and the text itself: one word or two, with or without a pronoun, etc. The value has everything - from color and words to font and shadows.

11. Give something in return or thank

In order to get something, you need to give something, is not it? If you collect contact information, give the user a free white paper - the latest report from the industry leader or your research, any valuable content. Or just thank for the action. In general, leave behind positive emotions.

Landing Page Optimization is the creation of the perfect combination of persuasive textual elements and design that attracts and directs the user's attention. Remember that landing does not exist separately, by itself, but must fit into your overall marketing strategy. In order to understand how effective your landing page and its individual elements, set specific goals and list digital marketing strategy. High conversions to you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238957/

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