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The ideal theory. The battle for the general theory of relativity

We have expanded our New Science series with a new book:

Prototype: The Century of Geniuses and the Battle of General Relativity
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (February 4, 2014)

Paper version, epub and pdf available.

This book is a biography of the general theory of relativity. Einstein's idea of ​​uniting time and space began to live by itself, remaining the source of enthusiasm and disappointment of the most ingenious minds throughout the 20th century. It is a theory, constantly presenting surprises, brilliant insights about the nature of our world, which were difficult to accept even by Einstein himself. As she captured all the new minds, unexpected discoveries arose, and in the strangest situations. The concept of black holes was first proposed on the battlefields of the First World War and reached its maturity in the hands of pioneers involved in the creation of Soviet and American atomic bombs. The idea of ​​an expanding universe was first suggested by a priest from Belgium and a metrologist from
Russia. New and mysterious astrophysical objects, which played an important role in stabilizing the general theory of relativity, were sometimes discovered quite by accident. Neutron stars Jocelyn Bell discovered among the Cambridge marshes with the help of a metal grid stretched over a fragile structure made of wood and nails.
The history of the general theory of relativity is connected not only with the past. Over the past ten years, it has become clear that if the general theory of relativity is correct, then most of our universe is dark. It is filled with matter, which not only does not emit light, but does not even reflect or absorb it. There is a huge amount of empirical data. Apparently, almost a third of the universe consists of dark matter: a heavy, invisible substance, rummaging through galaxies, like a lot of angry bees. The remaining two thirds have the form of etheric substance, dark energy, which pushes space into sides. And only four
cent of the universe consists of atoms familiar to us. We are practically invisible. But this is the case if Einstein's theory is correct. However, there is a possibility that we have simply reached the limits of its applicability, where the theory begins to falter.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238949/

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