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How we went to FbStart from Facebook, and what it is eaten with

Good morning, Habr!

On April 30, 2014, Facebook announced the FbStart program ( original in English ) to support startups. They promised up to $ 30,000 in services and software.

In August of this year, we decided to try to apply. The desire arose in a situation “it was evening, there was nothing to do, but let's give?”.
And we managed to qualify! We decided to share our experience, as well as tell about the pitfalls.

Spoiler: if you want to get "free then" subscriptions to useful software, then the program will suit you perfectly.

0. Structure

First, I will talk about what FbStart is, then about the requirements, and at the end - how we applied and passed the selection.

1. What is FbStart?

So what is FbStart?
This is a program in which Facebook and partner services offer start-ups that have passed the selection of free services for the use of these services or free advertising.

Program partners:

As we see, very useful services participate in the program.

You can apply in two categories:
  1. BootStrap Track . There will be up to $ 8K buns:

  2. Accelerate Track . There will be up to $ 40K buns:

Here I didn’t even have a full list of buns in the screenshot (there was a continuation).
The list can also be seen on the program page by clicking on “See all benefits” next to the category of interest (BootStrap Track or Accelerate Track).

What is the difference between the categories BootStrap Track and Accelerate Track? BootStrap - for recently launched projects, while Accelerate Track for products that have already shown growth and have prospects to continue growth in the future.

2. Requirements

The list of buns looks good, now I want to know, and what requirements does Facebook put forward for those who receive bonuses?

Basic requirements are very well described on the FbStart FAQ page .

The main requirement (it is the number 1 pitfall): You must be a developer of an application for iOS or Android, which is in the app store for at least 30 days . Other platforms are not considered yet.

A nice feature: integration with Facebook is optional, it may not be at all (proof: we have no integration with Facebook, and we have been selected).

Application for participation in the program can be submitted at any time, Facebook does not put any deadlines. Although, of course, they mention that the number of places is limited.
The guys write that they undertake to consider the application submitted within 14 days .

Tip : Submit to the Accelerate Track and put a checkmark "consider the project on the Bootstrap Track if it does not pass on the Accelerate Track."
This is how it looks on the application form:

3. How we applied

For us, the process of passing to FbStart was not smooth.
Having decided to submit an application using the “why not?” System, we went to the program's website and began filling out an application (for this, select “Apply Now” on the program page ).

When we filled out the application and tried to send it, we received an error on the form: the missing DUNS number. Yes, as now this field was indicated as optional / optional, but in August the form was not accepted without it. Now the form has been fixed, and the DUNS field has really become optional. And we had to wait for the registration of a legal entity (DUNS can be obtained only with a legal entity), and only in September to re-send the application.

A week later, we received a refusal:

Allegedly, incomplete or incorrect information was provided in the description of our application on Google Play .
At first we were in some confusion: what could be incomprehensible in the description of our application?
Then, we came to the conclusion that ( pitfall number 2 ) the description of the application should be available in English. As a result, we translated the description of the application into English and submitted the application again.

And lo and behold! After another week, we received a letter of happiness from Facebook that we were accepted into the program!

Summary: FbStart is a good way to get free the right to use a free set of good services.
So if you have an application for Android or iOS that is more than 30 days old, then try to submit - it will take about 5 minutes to fill out the form, and you can get many buns.
It is advisable not to forget to translate the description of the application into English (I mentioned this in the article as a pitfall # 2).

PS Have you noticed how Facebook has changed the size of the buns that they give in the program? The initial announcement was $ 5K (Bootstrap) and $ 30K (Accelerate), then for Accelerate raised to $ 40. Finally, in the letter of happiness that came to us, it was already indicated $ 8K for the Bootstrap Track.

I wish you success in the development of your projects and I recommend you to definitely take advantage of such a freebie!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238943/

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