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All men - goats, all women - fools, and other myths of relations Me and Jo

I am not an expert on the relationship between men and women, which, purely statistically, greatly increases the chance that I will say something meaningful. I understand that your reaction now is “better I stick my pencil in my eye than I will read Davydov’s scribbles about gender relations”. However, my children, the fact remains that absolutely ALL male authors of books about relationships that ended up in The New York Times Bestsellers List were married at least twice, and at least one wife was selected at one of the seminars (which, from a psychological point From the point of view, the same perfectly healthy relationships are like those of a fat nurse and a drug addict - he fucks her, she wheels him).

John Gray (Men from Mars, Women from Venus) - second marriage. Gray is generally a comic story. A person has zero knowledge and zero education. His “undergraduate” and “magistracy” Gray received at the “Maharishi Institute” - yes, the very idiots who jump on the ass and believe that they are flying. He received his “doctorate” at the now closed institution, which was “dimploma mill” - the American equivalent of buying a diploma.

Tony Robbins? Second marriage. I found my second wife in my training, while I taught others to build strong marriages. Dr. Phil? Three wives. In Russia, by the way, is the same tops - the philosopher Kozlov ? Second marriage. Reasonable driver Sviyash ? Left his wife a few months ago. (Generally, the theme when wives leave “gur” is too often repeated).
If you have a district-scale guru in the city and he gets into the pattern - more than one marriage, an extremely impressive fool's spouse is found on the courses - you can not send me letters saying that I am a seer. I do not want to rake inbox for three weeks with messages from all the subjects of the federation "and we are in Yakutsk", "and we are in Alushta."

Here is a little bit of your time on the relationship between the sexes.

1. The first myth - the science of love and the rules of relationships.

There is no relationship science and relationship rules. There are no relationship experts. All you need is written in your genes. Those who did not know how to build relationships did not multiply and died many, many thousands of years ago. People who have a relationship pathology are units. The average person does not need any special courses on relationships, for this is just myth-making.

2. A woman is an old girl with big tits.

Absolutely all popular books on this topic refer to women as "aged girls". All books can be divided into two categories - “about good girls” and “about bad girls”. Books about good girls have the following story - a good girl, this is my mother's assistant. She embroiders with a cross, plays with dolls and washes dishes. When a good girl grows up, she finds herself a husband, and does everything the same, only the dolls have a heartbeat and they shit. Such a good girl who does everything as “laid by nature” lives a long and happy life without even leaving the kitchen.

Books about bad girls have this story. Do you remember yourself at the age of 11? When did you have a bad temper and mood change every hour? When you yourself did not know what you wanted? When did you cry for no reason or break into a younger brother? So, a real woman, this is just a nasty girl, who had menstruation. The more bitchy you are behaving, the more emotions you throw out on others, the more you knock your legs and yell - the more you are a woman.

The only problem is that a woman is not an aged girl. A woman is an adult female. Finding happiness in gender stereotypes is IMPOSSIBLE, not only for women, but also for men. Let me push you the next cart. Einstein lived wrong. Albert had to get a huntsman in a hunting farm. There he would cut wood in the morning, drink a bottle of water a day, go to a wild boar, and in the evenings would watch Spartak. In short, I would live as a REAL man. And so Einstein was engaged in any pedrilsk garbage like nuclear physics. The obvious nonsense.

No less idiotic feminist idea that women's happiness is to live outside of gender stereotypes. In other words, for a woman to be happy, she needs to be a little man. When I was with the United States, feminists fiercely defended the rights of women to serve in the army, police, to be firefighters, and so on. My mother-in-law, a sailor of the Baltic Fleet, does not have a very high opinion of his work. I know a lot of friends who serve - border guard, FSB officers, drug control, customs, police. I do not know of a single man who would become happy, because every day he is forced to follow orders from higher-level idiots and work in a system where you are just a biorobot. Personally, I understand that a mature man is more likely to quit his organs than go there to serve. On the basis of what the conclusion is made that women will have happiness from this, I do not understand.

The life of women, like men, does not consist of 100% of relationships. When a man grows up, he has many other interests and to realize himself in life solely in the role of mother to a woman is just as “easy” as a man to say that he took place in life, because for the last ten years he and his son have gone fishing and master nesting box. Try on yourself before advising others.

3. Just to love (a).

This is the second idiotic myth. If he beats a skillet, but he loves it, this is better than if he relates well, but without superromantic ideas about love. Here I can send you to Kurt Vonnegut, for I completely agree with him - not to be cattle and not to beat or humiliate my half / children much more important than the mythical ideas about love. There is no such special “love” other than the usual neurophysiological reactions. Enjoy the very real feelings that you have, rather than invent yourself a non-existent bar with which your relationship should correspond. Yes, men, DO NOT BE A CATTLE!

4. Relationships from the opposite.

This is an extreme form of Cretism - books about the fact that women love moral monsters, and men run after sterns. Books in the style of “be a goat and reach for you” make a classic mistake - they confuse the ass with a finger. If you are kicking heroin, you will surely experience super-striking sensations. However, this does not mean that people who constantly sit on heroin - live a magical life full of cool sensations. Quite the contrary - their parts of the body rot and they spend too much time in prisons.

"Goats" and "bitches" are engaged in a strange form of glebleterapii. Their behavior, which in fact can initially attract, almost 100% ensures that it (the behavior) will destroy the relationship. And the second - this behavior is negative qualifiers - it ensures that you get either a flawed man (if you are playing a bitch) or a flawed woman (if you are playing a goat). Only men can peck at the bitch, they have to prove something to themselves that “they can do everything, and they do not break such things”. Adequate men who have gone through adolescence at 15 years old, and not 45, bitches have absolutely no interest. So if you want a relationship with a person with a psychological flaw - forward and with a song, become goats and bitches. Ten or fifteen years of walking on the rake you provided.

Conclusion In 1948, all psychiatric conditions and diseases were placed on 50 pages. Now on 800 pages. Psychologists and psychiatrists are busy inventing new problems and ways to treat them. Do not be idiots. Everything you need for a relationship you have. Sooner or later, we all by experience understand what is good and what is bad. Love, fuck, and everything will be your way.

Yes, and burn the books of John Gray - they say it makes it easier.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23894/

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