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Head to project or wide open in the studio

On Facebook, I often reasoned where it is more comfortable to work in a studio or on a project. I tried both there and there. I will tell a little about my vision on this. The first serious design work began with the studio. As a rule, in the beginning you don’t particularly carp. Therefore, I literally went to the first place where a typesetter-trainee was needed. In those moments, circumstances did not soar, I just wanted to impose, well, of course, to pick up experience. And just a fierce desire to join the development environment. The fighting spirit was from the very start. Frankly, rushing for several years on the rise.

The first euphoria is over and I went in search of a more comfortable environment. For me, it was not fundamentally what kind of company it would be. The main thing was the layout, and all other conditions should have been at least a little adequate with a small hint of prospects. Again, literally after a couple of interviews, I got on the project. Actually, therefore, I want to make a meaningful comparison.

After switching to one project, I didn’t feel very comfortable. Not that something infuriated me, it’s just that the brain hasn’t been reorganized into design tasks. Normal awareness came after about half a year about how to develop harmoniously in the project framework. Here are some nuances in the work on the project:


There is no client factor. I think there are no comments here. One wild delight. As if he got rid of persecution mania. Who worked not in the most expensive studios, probably not by hearsay know about the pressure from the customer. Sometimes it looks like a dictatorship, overwhelming the whole working attitude.

Diverse code. I can judge the front-end (HTML, CSS, JS). But this is something that has to fight and a couple pushes to a standstill. On sub-projects there is a code written five years ago. Of course, then no one heard about the NSA and the modular layout system. Therefore, everything is sewn up on the cascade. Plus, not one workbench put my hands to all this. The picture is not for the gentle psyche. So refactoring is inevitable. In recent projects we are introducing the excellent MCSS thing and a simple but more thoughtful system. This brings more logic to the layout. It allows you to get used to the team and develop a uniform style.


After the studio, the hierarchy of managing people and dependence on other departments is a bit straining. In most cases not related to development. Conversations with them on business, the thing is not the most pleasant. But with those who talk great in the subject, sometimes it is even possible to achieve a fresh understanding (in those moments when it’s not the manager who speaks in them, but the developer). But we will assume that this compensation for the lack of direct customers. However, the "Manager" is more a diagnosis than a role. Sometimes it seems they are in their fantasies, representing in their arsenal an army of developers on dope, sawing his project of "world importance." Well, we make them a discount. Surely this obsession is not the result of the worst motives.


Raise the bar. I do not know how in Moscow. I will say about Peter. If you do not work in a cool agency like Nimax Design or SoftFacade with dense clients, the growth ceiling will crush in about a year. The clients are the same, to practice the new technology does not really work. Since it is expensive. If the design can be sold, then in practice the layout for the customer of the “full package” is some kind of internal process, which is not entirely clear to them. And in which they do not particularly want to delve into. On progressive projects, this should receive increased attention, since this is the most vulnerable part when it is scaled. It’s much more critical to lose a few thousand visitors, because of the “left” layout on any device, than to lose a couple of people on promke that most advertising and design agencies are focused on.

Bet for the future

In studios, they usually bet on speed. If the projects are small, then in general there is no time left for licking the code. In the case of a project, you should work for the future. To think over architecture, to brush styles and to think of fast scaling. There is an opportunity to clean up a little and polish your code-stail.


Perhaps this is due to the more difficult tasks on the project compared to the main mass of typical studio tasks, but the level of skill of the specialists and the level of the overall team are at a qualitatively high level. Of course everything is relative. But I am making a rather private comparison. Plus, one of the reasons is a larger team, both in general and on individual tasks. Managers have a full arsenal for assault. In fairness, I will say that for all the time I have met only a couple of intelligent managers who can intelligently distribute power. I do not want to offend the tough guys, but usually it’s a balance between deadly deadlines and attempts to tighten up their managerial incompetence. I will say without a doubt, the main team is gorgeous and being part of it is just a thrill.

In general, if you adjust to the desired wave, then working on a project is really cool. I can not say that I am completely satisfied with everything in its place. But I think everything is progressing for the better, and if not, then this is a good opportunity to transform thinking in the right direction. The main thing is not to drive oneself into slavery and not forget about ambitions that can be realized within the company. And as a rule, properly oriented work is as useful as possible to both parties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238939/

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