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People's mobilization in Cuba

Already a week in the cities of Cuba lined up for mobile phones, after President Raul Castro lifted the ban on cellular communications for the population. Previously, only government officials and foreigners could use it legally. Now progress - it is not only about mobile phones, but also about DVD players, computers, etc., previously forbidden, electronics - will come to every home. In each, where for him will be able to give the equivalent of one-year earnings of the average Cuban.

Cellular communications in Cuba began to provide a company-monopolist ETECSA , 27% of which is owned by Telecom Italia, and the rest - to the state. The company did not introduce any restrictions on international calls, which is especially important for its only, in fact, potential customers - families of Cubans working abroad. Only they, as well as a few employees of foreign firms, have sufficient income in convertible currency to pay for expensive telephone bills. The price for the connection is about $ 120, and the cost of the tubes starts at $ 65. The average monthly salary on Liberty Island, by comparison, is $ 18.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23892/

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