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The United States retains part of the nuclear warheads intended for the destruction of an asteroid threat to Earth

Such information was unearthed by the Wall Street Journal journalists in a report by the National Nuclear Security Administration at the US Audit Office. They write that components containing highly enriched uranium intended for disassembly next year will be stored, at least temporarily, in case they are needed to protect against giant asteroids that threaten Earth.

Destruction of an asteriod by a nuclear charge (from the website of the Los Alamos laboratory )

An example of numerous Hollywood films in which a nuclear attack on asteroids constantly ended in failure, and without Bruce Willis (at worst - Elijah Wood), the inevitable exterminatus would be waiting for the planet, the American government did not teach anything. At the same time, the largest meteorite in our atmosphere in recent years was the Chelyabinsk meteorite last year, with an estimated radius of 20 meters, and large asteroids (from 1 km in diameter) for the next hundred years, according to NASA, threatened.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238905/

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