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Facebook is tired to sell

Facebook board member Peter Siel (Peter Thiel) said in an interview with Bloomberg that his company "will remain independent." Thus, he refuted the rumors about the negotiations and the possible sale of this social network to Yahoo .

Recall that the rumors about these negotiations appeared a few months ago. Both representatives of Yahoo and analysts agreed that the acquisition of Facebook will help Yahoo out of a protracted crisis and will somehow contribute to the growth of its shares. Terry Saema's company offered a significant amount for Facebook - $ 1 billion, but this proposal was rejected. According to Peter Ciel, his company is worth at least $ 8 billion. “Facebook will look for ways to generate revenue from millions of its users,” he says.

The Facebook social network was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard University. Now it is - one of the fastest growing social networks. The target audience of the service is young people, students of American universities.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2389/

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