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New opportunities to communicate with customers or as a Wi-Fi network with the functionality of client devices and interaction with them will help your business

Over the past few years, Wi-Fi networks have covered vast areas of premises, as well as street zones, flooding apartments, offices, shopping centers, airports, and even airplanes themselves, educational institutions, and government services, moving from the NICE-TO-HAVE category to the MUST- category. BE .

This trend was greatly facilitated by the penetration of various gadgets - smartphones, tablets, as well as the general informatization of society. With the help of the Internet, you can sign up for an appointment at a state institution, check in for a flight, put a child in a queue at a kindergarten, pay traffic police fines, correspond with the tax service, check children's grades at school and much more.

The presence of Wi-Fi in individual segments becomes a profit generator. Take the hotel business. Hotels with Wi-Fi are often chosen by tourists when booking, so the presence of Wi-Fi directly affects the occupancy of the hotel.
In the segment of education the presence of Wi-Fi becomes mandatory to ensure the educational process.
Some try to do the lack of Wi-Fi with their “trick” (“We don’t have Wi-Fi. Communicate with each other!” I don’t always want to talk, sometimes I prefer Wi-Fi.). There are no indifferent!


The Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) in the 2014 report predicts 19 billion devices by 2017 (almost all of them have Wi-Fi!) With a population of 7.5 billion, which will give us an average of 2.5 devices per person including infants and mountain long-livers. 60% of all traffic will be generated in wireless networks. The full report can be read here .

The capabilities of the site owner with Wi-Fi for customers will significantly increase if he can, through Wi-Fi, engage the client in a dialogue, provide him with relevant information and get the maximum response. I propose to define the relevance by the principle of SoLoMo
• SO socially, i.e. taking into account which social category I belong to - gender, age, interests;
• LO kalno - taking into account my current location - shopping center, airport, office;
• MOBILNO - information is delivered to the device, which even in my pocket lies at home and provides me with the speediest access.

For such interaction, in accordance with applicable law, you must obtain the consent of the client to collect information on the movement of the device and the provision of additional information when connecting to the Wi-Fi service. Usually, the client agrees to share information about himself if in response he receives relevant information (not spam) and high-quality Wi-Fi service (poor Wi-Fi is worse than its absence!).

Transaero airline logbook article

Looking through the information about the response of people to such relevant information, I found a number of studies that received a 25-40% response to the proposal. Here are some of them:
• 29% of buyers in Europe respond to special offers (Mobile Marketing Association, 2010)
• 40% of stadium visitors responded to a hotdog offer at a discount during a match (Mobile Internet 2.0: Monetizing Public Wi-Fi via Business to Consumer Relationships, 2012)
• 53% of mobile users are willing to share location information in order to receive more relevant offers (JiWire, 2010)

The Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences Solution (CMX) is the platform for this kind of solution. The platform uses the Cisco Wi-Fi infrastructure, designed to locate client devices with a given accuracy. The contextual add-in for the Cisco CMX can be an external application developed by the 3rd party. For its part, the Cisco CMX solution for external systems provides an API.

The CMH solution allows you to build a Wi-Fi network that can do several key functions:

• Detection of Wi-Fi clients (smartphones in the pockets of visitors with Wi-Fi enabled), positioning them on the territory taking into account the number of floors,
analysis of the nature of their movements around the site - where they walk, at what speed, where they stop and spend time, where they crowd. All analytics can be obtained by room zones and time intervals. Such analytics will allow the site owner to adapt their business processes to customer behavior.

• Connecting guests through a page that displays information adapted to the location of the guest. Those. A client in the restaurant area will receive information about a free cup of coffee, a new seasonal menu, the availability of a children's room in a cafe, and, in the women's clothing zone, invitations for sales of clothes by fashion brands, discounts on accessories and houseware. Another option is to use accounts in social networks for logging into the network. In this version, the institution's marketer may receive additional information about the guest - gender, age, place of residence, as well as the opportunity to advertise himself to the guest’s friends if he does Check In. Such information will make even more relevant offers to guests.

• Involvement - the ability to deliver the necessary information to the connected guest smartphone and get feedback. This information should directly or indirectly generate a positive cash flow for site owners - increase guest satisfaction / loyalty, inform about additional services (navigation around the site, cinema schedule, children's room, home delivery, urgent consumer credit, discounts on goods ...). Indirectly generate cash flow will increase the loyalty of customers who like to use the shopping center navigation, book online movie tickets, receive information about the services of the site. Direct cash flow is a direct response to hot deals and coupons, that is, additional sales.

A significant proportion of purchases are spontaneous purchases, i.e. purchases that were not planned, the need for the purchase was not realized in advance. The Cisco CMX solution will help make the most relevant offers to guests of the shopping area and thereby increase the number of spontaneous purchases.

It would be interesting to look at a typical business case, which would clearly lay out the costs of such a decision against additional profits and would allow to estimate the payback period and return on investment. Unfortunately, there is no typical case for all possible scenarios. Each business case takes into account a large number of factors related to a particular situation. In addition, the Cisco CMX platform is a tool and we can’t foresee how skillfully a customer’s marketer can use it.

It would make sense to consider a business case for a specific vertical solution, for example, retailers, which has a number of trading floors, warehouses, various business processes and see in general what positive changes prevail Wi-Fi-based solutions. These changes can be made up of:
• Mobile marketing, including mobile advertising and coupons
• Additional services for the client using mobile technologies, for example, ordering home delivery, viewing video clips of designers for selected clothes, navigating the store through a list of planned purchases, additional purchases (Upsell) on special offers in the course of movement, help in making decisions about the purchase through a video call with an expert store, the introduction of payments from mobile platforms and additional sales by making a purchase immediately after creating the "WOW!" effect, reducing the loss of sales of the Kli ntam, who decided not to wait in line at rush hour
• Saving space for the layout of goods due to the use of tablets with information on the full range of consultants, reducing the average customer service time due to information on the availability of goods, sizes, colors in stock on each consultant's tablet
• Improving the efficiency of operations of the enterprise itself - optimization of warehouse accounting using mobile terminals connected to the central database, optimization of qualified resources of chain stores through video communication with an expert for consultation.

The cost part of the project also does not tolerate approximation. If you consider the whole room, analyze the zones, then you can divide them into several categories and the requirements for wireless equipment for each category will be different:
• No coating required - service stairs, elevators ...
• Coverage is required without getaway - office space, small shops, in which the value of knowing which corner the customer finds is negligible
• Coverage is required with geo-positioning with different accuracy - trading rooms, parking, restaurants, entertainment, cinema, skating rink.
Such zoning will help to optimize the number of radio equipment, which will directly affect the cost of the project.

Research from the Cisco IBSG business consulting department showed that the increase in profit of a fairly large retailer in such a scenario, taking into account all the advantages, can reach 10% (read in detail here ).

Engagement requires using third-party products in conjunction with the Cisco CMX solution. There are already more than 20 SMH partners of Cisco in the world that have created products for various verticals - airports, hospitals, universities, shopping and exhibition centers.

In the Russian Federation, several companies are already developing applications for Cisco CMX. Developed solutions can be divided into two groups:
• solutions requiring installation and use of the application on the client’s mobile device
• network solutions that do not require the use of the application on a mobile device.

Jet Infosystems has developed the Jet Toolbar product, which displays informational content on a Web page viewed by a client, taking into account the client’s location on the Wi-Fi network. Jet Toolbar solution works at the network level of Wi-Fi network and does not require installation of the application on the subscriber device. The format and content of the information content that is shown to customers can be flexibly configured by the solution operator.

A few months ago, Jet Infosystems and Cisco jointly launched this solution in the Cisco laboratory in the business center of Krylatsky Hills. As a result, we received such a pretty screenshot, as well as the opportunity to go to the meeting room, order coffee and tea directly from the screen, view a list of the nearest trainings and events, order a meeting room:

The simplicity of the solution allows both mass interaction with all Wi-Fi network clients, and personal communication with each client individually.

In conclusion, I want to mention that such decisions, despite their novelty in Russia, have been successfully used abroad for a long time. The number of Cisco projects implemented is expressed in a three-digit number:
• MGM Resorts Hotel, Las Vegas
• Airport in Copenhagen
• Fernbank Museum (with AT & T)
• Banks
• Hotels
• Shopping centers
• Hospitals
• Universities
A significant proportion of these projects are sites that want to provide a navigation service. We are already used to using navigation in the city. Extending your familiar orientation experience with mobile devices and increasing customer satisfaction is often a sufficient business case for implementing Cisco CMX. Another segment of the application of solutions - tracking the movement of personnel and equipment.

Additional information about the Cisco CMX solution can be found here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238895/

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