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How to help software in the Russian Federation

Buy Belarusian Belarus We support the domestic manufacturer.

Recently, the topic of support for the “domestic IT manufacturer” has become fashionable. That infrastructure for storing and processing data defaulted in the city require, then come up with turnover taxes. "All in the works."

But let's help the deputies of the state a little. Consider the situation “from the inside”, we will place some markers, of the form “go here, do not go here, the snow will fall on your head, you will be completely dead” .

So, what are these beasts, domestic IT shniki?


To begin with, we will sketch our spherical horse in vacuum in the form of a strictly arbitrary classification. Why arbitrary? And so it is more convenient.

By type of activity

To size

By type of license

Of all the items can be easily combined. For example, the well-known "kasperych" is a supplier of products by subscription, and complex protection systems, large. The well-known 1C is a major supplier of both platforms of the same name and publisher.

Let's now see who and how innovations will help.


Obviously, any reseller who successfully helps in buying software to large companies, innovations only harm.

The fact is that the software of any different sea in the world is poured. And many authors either do not do business with any regions (for example, because they do not know Chinese or Russian), or simply are not ready to work with large offices and their problems. But resellers take it all on themselves, saving small but very necessary projects from red tape.

Give us a pile of papers (not electronic), guarantees, conduct onsite bla-bla trainings, translate into Japanese, sign our licensing requirements for you, organize an audit that will show that your program doesn’t, and we will buy one license from you $ 49.99. May be. If you have a net45. Cheers to resellers for what they are.

How can resellers help? Give a tax rebate. As a rule - this is a lot of people, a lot of salaries, and a lot of contributions from the PA.


These are more complex animals. They provide not one-time purchases of any strange "found by Google", but a complex set from the correct vendor. In severe cases, the implementation of any ERP a la SAP R / 3 or PeopleSoft is a lot of business consultants, a long difficult and sad job of adapting client business processes to the scheme drawn by analysts.

Here, + 10% to implementation is death like, and so in the industry budgets easily reach 8 digits in bourgeois dollars. Especially if the supply of "iron" and across the country.

How to help? Just do not interfere. Do not force around to "tricks" about not attracting an expert on pizzotbak an hour, he drank coffee at the expense of the customer.

Business angels

One of the few areas where it would seem - there are no intersections. But they are. The business plan, after all, should reflect the increase in the price of the final product and the decrease in the audience? Vooot. . This means that the return on venture capital investments will be even less, the risks will be higher, and the amounts allocated for the project will be less.

How to help? I do not see.


Many famous species. No need to submit. Will he be affected by a flurry of innovations? Obviously, yes. They can not reach. The result is known - an increase in the notorious "rates" . There will be fewer orders, but Tajik and Uzbek outsourcers, who have room to grow, will rise. Malays are all sorts of smart magazines praise.

How to help? There have been excellent attempts to reduce taxes on payroll, technology parks, and more. One of the few areas where the support of domestic coders was confirmed not by word but by deed. As far as I heard, they either canceled already, or are about to cancel, I don’t follow.


This is a huge reservoir of large and useful "softin" . These include antiviruses, backups, vitrules, development tools, and much more. Waste , perfectly solves narrow problems. Right here - help only to spoil. There are lots of great samples, at the level of the world and better.

However, there are options.

For example, in tenders to give preference for the purchase of domestic products . Not simantek antivirus, and Dr. Web, for example.

Here you can repeat the feat of the Belarusian side, with their "zablena Belarus" and "kuplyaytse Belarus". To do this, develop and apply a separate unique label like a quality label from the late USSR, give green light to radio and TV broadcasts about domestic products, talk more broadly about particularly valuable TV solutions in the news. The foodstuffs themselves have no money for it, so support it ...

Since this is one of the real leaders of the domestic high-tech, attention should be paid to this sector, do you think?

Solution Providers and Platforms

Also, no introduction is needed. The same 1C has become a truly recognizable folk brand, starting with the legendary accounting. Forcing to raise selling prices, increasing the cost at times throughout the chain.

Natural sabotage.

Whistles manufacturers

In general, this is a subview of product manufacturers. But here they are focused precisely on the entertainment sector, on mobile applications and on other forms. How Moloch the native state of one fifth of the land will deal with them is a big question. They are likely to jump out of the water, accumulating funds in foreign payment aggregators and systems, withdrawing and declaring only a part.

There is nothing to help here, in my opinion, except to increase the level of citizens' well-being. So that they have more funds for entertainment . But how it will be coordinated with spirituality is a big question.


With these guys - just dissolve hands. They were driven into such inhuman conditions that it is difficult to imagine worse. Firmware will be considered free, and so they are inseparable from the devices.

Help here - the right, easier to asphalt. And yet - there is life! I do not understand why it is still there - but true.


Games in general can be considered huge whistles, but it will be a mistake. Sanitized conditions require separate consideration. Price increase subscription will affect not the best way here. Plus, more expensive and less reliable data centers in the Russian Federation, plus the “content-delivery network build by yourself”, plus the rejection of unified services of the same Amazon, plus problems with access from outside the great Russian firewall . More expensive and worse.

In the framework of the current paradigm, there is no help. Do not return to the same model of singles and CDs on the Top crust .


The same picture as igrodelov. Plus - it will be harder to get funding.

Obviously not the area that are going to "help."


And these guys are hard hit. How can I pay for the turnover of licenses, if the money is obtained for T-shirts and caps? Swindlers! There generally ban! And this is not even a joke. The logic of the struggle requires that, otherwise all the other hippos will begin to break into this hare hole.

And only the contract work will remain with the open-source contractor, with the transfer of all revisions to the customer under a closed license and non-proliferation agreement. What will immediately hit the academic and scientific software, according to the scheme “we make patches for open-source implements what happened” and to other sales of supports.

Inhaus, including in the public sector

As they wrote on FoxPro for DOS 2.6 - they will continue, nothing changes here. Clipper, Clarion, at best, Delphi 1.0, and other necrophilia in full growth. The maximum is Excel + VBA. Does it work? Why do better? (WITH)


And here we have found those who benefit from it. Monopolization, price increases by 2 times - and that they are not 10% enough - will raise four. And still forbid torrents, here in general paradise will be to individual comrades.

I'm exaggerating, but still the publishers have the most chances, IMHO, of course .

This also includes cloud services a la Odnoklassniki , Mail.Ru, and others.

Of course, I considered far from everyone, but I do not think that (with the exception of some local incidents at the intersection of licenses, the size and successful IT sector) that I missed something big.

But of course I will be glad to all additions.

UPD: And here they are.

That is, the current leadership of the country acts as a hangman for the IT business in the country and nothing can be done about this except radical methods?

From my article in my opinion should be the opposite. It will work even a little harder, prices will increase, the service will become (almost imperceptibly) worse. But that's about all.

This is what the open-end will come under - this is a side effect. Well, that happened, yes. I hope those who make decisions will read diagonally what I wrote and take care of some exceptions for software which is already free. In order not to give everyone the opportunity to suddenly become philanthropists, but also not to prohibit the open source as a phenomenon.

Although I do not really imagine how it will come out without a RAO-stroke and similar structures.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238883/

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