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Polls on the site: How to interpret the results

Can you tell me who is your client? Do you understand what his tasks and difficulties are? Do you know what problems he solves with your product or service?

Response Analysis

This is where the real fun begins! All the following steps need to be done manually. To analyze the answers, we use the following algorithm:

View data to identify the original meaning.
Systematization of information for its convenient organization.
Interpretation of data.
Writing a short report on the results.
Depending on the number of responses, their analysis can take from several hours to several days.

Step 1 - View Data

At this stage you need to review the answers to each of the questions. Try to highlight some trends and patterns that you can later indicate in the report.

Try to act without prejudice - review the data and highlight the most characteristic trends, and only then begin to look for evidence to your observations.

If necessary, take a short break and then continue.

Step 2 - data systematization

After you have viewed the information, you, as a rule, have already formed an idea about customers - who are these people, why they buy from you, etc. You can attach a code name to each user.

For example, our client came from a WordPress theme store. By studying the data, we get the initial set of names for the respondents:

A blogger who is just starting work and is looking for his first WP theme (blogger);
Professional web designers who purchase themes for clients of the site (designer);
Representatives of small businesses who want to update their site (small business).

In the process of analyzing the answers, you can create new codes and correct existing ones. With this information, you will be able to clearly understand who your target audience is, how to organize sales on your page correctly - which products to distinguish among others, etc.

Another option for systematization is the division of users into groups depending on what answer they gave to the question “why do you choose our topics?”.

Here is how it looks in practice:

In this case, you just need to put the numbers 1 or 0 in the column and move on. The codes you use will depend solely on the answers given by the respondents, so first you need to look through all the polls in order to deal with your target audience.

Step 3 - Data Interpretation

How do you introduce your client? Write in the comments.

Now you have enough information to recreate a typical visitor to your site, to whom you will subsequently send a targeted message.

When Meg Hain, the owner of the FreePeople trademark, was asked how she imagines her ideal customer, she answered the following:

“She is independent, even though she loves her friends, family and spouse. Every spring she comes to her favorite festivals Coachella and Wanderlust. She runs and practices yoga to stay in shape and in harmony with herself. She draws attention to fashion trends, but wants to create her own style, drawing inspiration from the outside world. She is charming, sweet and bohemian at the same time. Presumably, she is 26 years old ... "

Is it so? Quite possible. But, anyway, FreePeople and the parent company Urban Outfitters create a lifestyle rather than just selling clothes. They try to guess what their ideal buyer looks like, realizing what losses this can lead to if they miss.

Look at the main page of their site - see how the model reflects the ideals of most customers?

By systematizing each answer to a question, as shown in step 2, you can easily imagine your ideal customer or understand the reason that keeps the user from buying.

In a study conducted by Photoshelter, using customer surveys, it was found that, by offering a limited version of the application for free, company representatives themselves deprived the sales increase twice.

“Our polls showed that visitors to PhotoShelter were interested in trying the product. We already had a free version, but it had limited capabilities, and analyzing business data showed that motivating users to purchase a paid version was not particularly effective. ”

Instead, they invited users to try out the full version of the application for 14 days for just $ 1:

This, along with analyzing other segments and testing, ultimately doubled the revenue of Photoshelter.

Fully analyzed queries will help you prioritize questions, add necessary functions and understand what your potential and real customers care about most.

Step 4 - write a report!

In the summary report, you need to indicate in a readable format all the information you received, draw general conclusions and trace emerging trends.

After you finish a report, use the accumulated data to compare it with your experience, other surveys, heatmaps, etc. This is quite time-consuming work, and we will talk about this next time.

So, it seems to me, we have told you in detail about how important qualitative research is, how to conduct it, what questions to ask and how to analyze the information received. However, we have not yet talked about survey tools - so let's do it right now!

Survey Services

When it comes to tools, the first thing that comes to mind is GoogleDriveForms , a free and very easy to use service.

For example, this form combines both a course search order and a user poll:

In addition, we also use Typeform services, they also offer an easy-to-use, free version. With this tool you can easily create a beautifully designed survey. As an added bonus, they offer questionnaires that can be answered from any device.

Think it doesn't matter? Then look here:

As you can see, a fairly large percentage of responses come from smartphones. The above data was provided by one of our customers, who uses Typeform. Another good service is SurveyGizmo , try it.

Summing up

Effective customer surveys are not just businessmen talking about “how much they care about their customers” or compliments to each other about how well they do it.

On the contrary, surveys are a powerful marketing tool that helps to conduct an open dialogue with potential, real and former clients, identifying topical issues and contributing to the improvement of the company.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238877/

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