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Happy Birthday, Nokia 3310

In fact, the Nokia 3310 is so epic, that, once in a working blender, you can get back without problems. Proved .
" I have worked for 10 years like this ."

Our landmark Nokia 3310 is 14 years old. His birth was in the “golden age” of the industry, when the phone boxes were large and the phones themselves were small. At that time, they were measured not by the number of cores, but by a set of tools in polyphony, WAP was on the rise, and GPRS in Russia just started looming on the horizon - in a single demonstration pavilion during Svyaz-Expocom. Before the era of smartphones, there were a couple of happy years.

From the “iron” point of view, the Nokia 3310 consisted of the following: a plastic case 48x113x22 mm in size, 133 grams in weight, a monochrome LCD display with a resolution of 48x84 pixels, a 900 mAh battery and 17 slightly bulging rounded rounded keys.

High-contrast 5-line display favorably distinguished the phone from competitors and predecessors. Thanks to the green backlighting, the information was clearly distinguishable at any time of the day. The screen of the Nokia 3310 has found recognition in our time: the brotherhood of solder and soldering iron is appreciated by the small, thin display, which is based on the PCD8544 controller, made using the COG technology - Chip On Glass. Its main quality is economy, and in every sense: it consumes less than a milliampere and costs about 50 rubles.

Separately, geeks in 2000 loved the Nokia 3310 for the Nokia Network Monitor . With it, it was possible to activate monitoring of various network data, change the color of the display backlight, measure the degree of heating of the phone and the battery, etc.

The case of the model was presented in five colors: blue, silver, yellow, red and white were available. The ability to easily change the hull spawned a whole industry for the production of interchangeable color panels. Are you bored with classic navy blue? Change it to bright yellow or white. Third-party manufacturers of cases and at all offered the most non-standard solutions: panels with the image of the favorite heroes of the militants, cars, with various variegated colors flooded numerous communication salons.

How did the Nokia 3310 sound? Most of you, we are sure, presented the branded Grande Valse (better known as Nokia Tune). But the matter was not limited to them: the phone offered 35 standard melodies and, moreover, a synthesizer of its own call signal (for example, since 2002, Russian smartphone owners tried to recreate the title melody of the Brigade series - you probably remember this recognizable call). The SMS signal can also be changed - 4 melodies of your choice. There was also a vibration, which later became part of the folklore, but more on that later.

A set of text messages was a separate pleasure: in addition to the T9, which was already beloved, delivery notifications and the extraction of a number from a message, it became possible to create text up to 480 characters. Not to mention SMS chat - the display mode, when all previous messages from both sides can be viewed as a dialogue. Also appeared an indicator that indicated the remaining number of characters; message templates that have saved time and nerves for business people (now time and nerves for new business people are probably saving their mobile Office).

Another thing that is hard to imagine without this phone is the Snake II. The game is so loved by users that now, 14 years after the release, its modern version is available in the Windows Phone Application Store.

Total has sold more than 200 million devices. The huge success of the model was made up of several factors: an attractive design, impressive battery life (“It’s not you who charge the Nokia 3310, it’s the Nokia 3310 that charges you”) and unprecedented body strength (“ You can break the asphalt about the Nokia 3310, but you’ll never break the Nokia 3310 about asphalt "). The phone was washed, the phone was hammered with nails, put under the wheels of cars (and even buses), and then continued to use it in normal mode. Just type “ Nokia 3310 crash test ” on YouTube and you will see more than 1000 ways of vain attempts.

Nokia 3310 as a meme

He endured everything, he conquered the world and went on a well-deserved rest, giving way to other, more modern models. And now, from the height of years, it seems to us that the main feature of the Nokia 3310 is still not its phenomenal impact resistance or, say, the best design for its time. The main feature of this device is that this small brick with microchips really found a place in the hearts of millions of people. Like Volkswagen Beetle, Sony Walkman and many other wonderful things, he became an icon, a reflection of his time, which we are sure many now remember only with warmth.

Figure: Mclelun Lee

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238869/

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