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How can a programmer draw a logo without knowing how to draw?

It happens that a programmer is given an extraordinary task, which he can accomplish only thanks to his ingenuity and not experience, which, in fact, does not exist in the field of the required task. And today I want to talk about how not a designer to draw a beautiful logo.

I will not torment with the story of how it happened that the programmer fell so low and began to draw logos. And it is better to immediately tell all the clever tricks that allowed to get the result, which ultimately approved by the customer.

The task was the following: to develop a logo for the Optician optician network. In principle, this is all the input data that was available at the time the task was accepted. The client expressed his desire to draw a logo in a minimalist style, with simple and soft shapes. Well, this is only on our hands, because drawing something in a different style is a task that is already unrealistic, requiring at least some creative design thinking and experience that we do not possess.
Our plan is:

To begin with, let's think about the idea and try to find associations that will allow us to come to something:

It is not enough ideas, and it is not desirable to climb into the jungle. We take the most decent of them - glasses.

For rendering, we will use Corel Draw, which, as it seemed to me from the reviewed reviews, is much simpler and more intuitively clearer than its main competitor, Adobe Illustrator.

Our main assistants will be simple geometric shapes: circles, rectangles and various blending modes (Intersect - intersection, Simplify - an exception). Frankly, to come to this decision was spent more than 5 hours of torment. But, as it seems to me, these tools are universal and with their help you can draw Mona Lisa and more complex graphic designs.

Glasses glasses we will do from circles. In order for us to have a perfect circle, the same in height and width, you need to stretch it and hold down the “Ctrl” key. The picture will scale proportionally.

Now we make a hole where, according to the logic of things, there should be glasses. To make it we need another circle, inscribed in the first, but smaller in diameter. Select both objects and apply the Simplify blend mode to them. At the exit we get a neat "bagel".

Duplicate our shape to make the second half of the points and begin to think how to draw a smooth arc. Designers use Bezier curves to solve this problem, but for me personally they turned out to be impossible: the arc was uneven and not neat all the time, and therefore we will use the familiar inscribed circle, the bottom half of which we will simply remove.

How can we rationally remove the lower half, we will not understand, and this is not so important, so we will use the rectangle to which we apply Simplify relative to our ring. Next, we will have a stroke of the element that we don’t need at all, we will set its parameter to “none”

Is done. Go to the temples. To draw them, we take 2 rectangles, in which we set the necessary parameter for smoothing the corners. If we do not smooth, the temples will turn out too clumsy and will stand out from our overall design.

Duplicate the rectangle, twist-turn, look, how it will be better and choose the most pleasing form.

It remains to add some zest. I decided to add eyebrows to emphasize once again that these are glasses, and not anything else.
And we will draw it, yes, yes, all with the help of the same blending modes and a simple circle. Intersect mode allows you to create an object at the intersection of other objects; we will use it.

That's basically it. Add the font to your taste and the logo is ready.

We demonstrate to the customer, he fully approves the idea and the embodiment. Profit ...

Thus, with the help of simple ingenuity and minimal perseverance, you can solve simple design tasks without being a designer. Next time I will tell you how easy and simple it is to draw a spectacular website design using Axure RP, without using graphic editors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238825/

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