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The most popular password instead of "password" has become "password1"

Bruce Schneier on the site Wired published the latest data on which passwords are most often used by Internet users. The study was conducted by fraudsters-phishers who created a fake MySpace page where trusting users of the service drove in their data.

The twenty most popular is as follows:

- password1
- abc123
- myspace1
- password
- blink182
- qwerty1
- fuckyou
- 123abc
- baseball1
- football1
- 123456
- soccer
- monkey1
- liverpool1
- princess1
- jordan23
- slipknot1
- superman1
- iloveyou1
- monkey
It should be noted that before the most popular password was the word "password". As you can see, there is progress. Users begin to listen to the recommendations of security experts (advice to combine letters and numbers in a password), but this process is slow. In general, the situation remains very sad.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2388/

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