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Drupal 8 beta

image After 3.5 years from the beginning of the development of Drupal 8 , the first beta version has finally been released . This version can already be used to develop future projects and transfer old ones, but it is not recommended to use them in existing projects, since critical bugs and the possibility of data loss still exist. The critical parts of the API are stable, the data model is complete, as is the functional content. The final release, I think, should be expected no earlier than mid-2015.

Drupal is one of the most popular CMS / CMF, having over a million active, active installations . The new version brings fundamental changes, both external and under the hood. Here is just a cursory list:

A general review of innovations can be found here , and a review of innovations for developers is here . You can try it in action in the sandbox simplytest.me/project/drupal (takes place at the click of the “Launch sandbox” for half an hour, available only to you, the number of sandboxes is unlimited).

Let me remind you once again that the beta version contains bugs, and the community needs your help in finding and correcting them. Both can be started from the Drupal core bug page :)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238793/

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