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Interview with staff

In this article I will try to highlight the main issues that arise during an interview with the staff. Since Habr is represented in most of its employees in the field of IT, I’ll tell you what you should think about during the interview. It is clear that professional selection in the form of specific tests is used. However, this is an early stage and most of the tests are run by the IT department and the HR specialist does not take part in their compilation. With very few exceptions.

For example, at one time, tests were compiled by the head of HR due to the fact that he had 2 higher educations and could distinguish PHP code from Java (ironically).

At the next stage, after the stage of professional selection, the requirements of the candidate to join the team are formed in our organization. The fact is that psychological compatibility is very important for our company, since it requires careful teamwork. In addition, the general properties of intelligence are important. Yes, I understand that this is not very good in terms of the selection of the best professionals, but, again, teamwork is very important and the management is ready to lose the very best employees to please the team. For testing, the classic Oxford test of personality abilities is used, as well as the lesser known, but very widely used test SMIL. The second test is used only for important employees, because it contains 400 questions. So, on the basis of these tests, then measures are taken to include the employee in the team. Due to the fact that an already accepted employee is of tremendous importance for us, we carefully approach this issue:

1) familiarity with the team always happens after lunch. Yes, this is due to the well-known and "primitive" reception of greater disposition to the conversation after eating. Despite the primitiveness, this technique gives a very good result. For example, employees represented after dinner are much less likely to indicate in the “satisfaction” questionnaire poor contact with other employees.

2) the person presents finishes and starts working at the same time as everyone else, starting from the next day. On the day of the presentation, he stays in the office. At the end of the week there was a small corporate event, paid, of course, by the company.
3) there must be an employee who controls the psychological climate in the team. The employee carefully monitors all the problems that may appear in the team. Problems are solved promptly. In addition, there are situations that require the participation of a hiring specialist. If an employee is going to quit, for example.

4) dismissal. Dismissal can be divided into the desirable for the employee and undesirable for him. In 95% of cases, specialists in IT are dismissed on their own. Usually we strive to leave a specialist and find out the reason for dismissal. Very often, one of the reasons indicates the need for higher wages, in which case we rarely go for salary increases, unless the price of such a specialist is clearly lower than the market price. Then, after coordination with the leadership, the salary rises to the required level. However, very often this does not happen due to the fact that our salary is compensated promptly. The second problem is not satisfied with the work schedule. In this case, if the specialist is truly unique, we are going to change and develop a more convenient work schedule. If the costs of finding, hiring and introducing a new specialist exceed the costs of changing the schedule, then the employee also changes the schedule. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that, in practice, we still prefer to dismiss such an employee, because this can and does cause an ambiguous reaction of the team. The third problem is to move the employee or find him a new place of residence. To do this, we use a security system for employees and most employees, if they need a rented apartment, have the opportunity to issue it through our company. The company does not pay for housing, but it helps in this search, which leads to an increase in the quality of work.

UP: forgot to insert habrakat. :) Excuse me.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23878/

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