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Market Watch for Apple Watch - Pebble Update, Pebble Alliance and Jawbone

Good night, friends! Just found out the good news - there was an update 2.6 for Pebble and Pebble Steel. But not just an update - a very clear message is placed on the site - Pebble expands the ecosystem of its watches, now applications that can track physical activity in the background are supported (which was not enough!). The first who wrote under this software were ... guys from Jawbone!


It seemed, why should an office that develops its own iron and promotes it to the masses to make software for someone else's hardware? The answer is obvious, only by rallying one can compete with the Apple Watch coming to light soon. But back to business.

With the 2.6 update, pebble threw not only UP into its app store. Also there appeared Misfit and Swim.com. Particularly, the developers emphasize work with swim.com (you can’t swim in rose gold apple watch, unlike 5 atm, which can withstand pebble) and pebble for a long time (sleep monitoring).

Well, separately as a pleasant bonus - now pebble is officially sold through retailers , and prices (which is good news) are reduced by about $ 50:

Pebble $ 99 / € 129 / £ 99
Pebble Steel is now $ 199 / € 229 / £ 179

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238757/

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