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Some interesting and useful things for web developer # 30

Good day, dear habravchane. Recently, I saw some interesting and useful tools / libraries / events that I want to share with Habr.


Cloudtunes is one of those projects, looking at which I do not understand the motivation of developers to lay out such developments in open access. Do not consider me a purely mercantile person, but this project is roughly a clone of iTunes in the cloud and this is just a great service. Cloudtunes provides a single interface for your library by synchronizing data between Dropbox, Youtube, Lastfm, and more. The server part is written in Python (Tornado, Celery, Mongo DB, MongoEngine, Redis), and the client part is written in CoffeeScript (Backbone.js, SocketIO, Handlebars, Compass, SoundManager).



Awesome dialog boxes. Most easy to use. A good substitute for classic unappealing alerts and promts. Many additional options that easily allow you to adjust the necessary event sequence of windows.

//A basic message swal("Here's a message!") //A warning message, with a function attached to the "Confirm"-button swal({ title: "Are you sure?", text: "Your will not be able to recover this imaginary file!", type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: "Yes, delete it!", closeOnConfirm: false }, function(){ swal("Deleted!", "Your imaginary file has been deleted.", "success); }); 

Bootstrap theme in the style of Google Material Design


The library adds additional metrics for the Navigation Timing API . Now we will know everything about the page loading. The result that we get from timing.getTimes () :
 firstPaint: 1411307463455.813 // New firstPaintTime: 685.0390625 // New appcacheTime: 2 connectEnd: 1411307463185 connectStart: 1411307463080 connectTime: 105 // New domComplete: 1411307463437 domContentLoadedEventEnd: 1411307463391 domContentLoadedEventStart: 1411307463391 domInteractive: 1411307463391 domLoading: 1411307463365 domReadyTime: 46 // New domainLookupEnd: 1411307463080 domainLookupStart: 1411307463032 fetchStart: 1411307463030 initDomTreeTime: 56 // New loadEventEnd: 1411307463445 loadEventStart: 1411307463437 loadEventTime: 8 // New loadTime: 558 // New lookupDomainTime: 48 navigationStart: 1411307462887 readyStart: 143 // New redirectEnd: 0 redirectStart: 0 redirectTime: 0 // New requestStart: 1411307463185 requestTime: 150 // New responseEnd: 1411307463335 responseStart: 1411307463333 secureConnectionStart: 1411307463130 unloadEventEnd: 0 unloadEventStart: 0 unloadEventTime: 0 // New 


Awfully unattractive landing and undeservedly small number of stars on GitHub. But the script allows you to create very beautiful effects with content with many different animation variations.
 horizonal.init({ onPageTransition: function(type, page, animator) { // Use whatever JavaScript you like to transform the node } onNodeTransition: function(type, node, animator) { // Use whatever JavaScript you like to transform the node } }); 

Melchior.js - chained definition of modules (CMD)

 // create module melchiorjs.module('yourModule') // define dependencies .require('dependencyUno') .require('dependencyDuo', 'duo') // define module body .body(function () { // `dependencyUno` is available here! dependencyUno.doSomething(); // aliased `dependencyDuo` is available as `duo`! duo.doSomething(); // return methods for other modules return { method: function () { ... }, anotherMethod: function () { ... } }; }); 


Hook.js implements a typical “pull-to-refresh” scenario for mobile UX devices on the web: loading / updating content when traction is down. Very usable and can be useful to many for asynchronous projects.

Western thoughts or what would translate to Habré:


Informative videos and presentations

Says and shows Habr:


Previous selection (Issue 29)

I apologize for any typos. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal.

Thank you all for your attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238755/

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