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Lost data among the "clouds"?

Cloud computing is the new “holy grail” of the hosting world. But what is it really? Perhaps this is the same as sitting with a computer on top of a mountain above the clouds, or flying in an airplane with a laptop?

The name "clouds" is actually not entirely correct. The data is placed on servers in data centers and transmitted over quite material cable connections. Even wireless transmission requires special equipment. However, these same data centers are subject to the same interruptions in electricity, natural disasters and security threats. And, probably, security threats are even more serious, because A huge number of users work with clouds.
Cloud service providers use this method of data protection so that it is convenient for both users and the provider. As long as they maintain uninterrupted operation and never lose data (although this is not the case), it is believed that providers perform user support fairly well. But when large companies trust their data to cloud services, it’s “good enough” to become insufficient. A large business works with a rather large amount of data that needs to be recoverable. In order to confirm an acceptable level of service, the parties must sign the Service Level Agreement.

This applies both to cloud providers who own their own data center, and to those who rent sites in foreign data centers. And whoever provides you with a cloud backup service, he should be responsible for ensuring that this data is recoverable. You can promise the best uninterrupted work in the world, but if the data center is physically affected by floods, earthquakes, tornadoes? Without SLA, it is likely that you will lose your data forever.

What to look for in the Service Level Agreement

How to protect yourself? Agree on the terms of service that will satisfy you.

Even the most reliable providers have unexpected situations when they stop servicing their users. Reliable architecture and data structure provide excellent availability and security of user information throughout the world. Do not let yourself be misled, always carefully read the information on the provider's website. And if you are not sure about something - do not rush to make a choice and always make backups. You can also use the services of several hosting providers that are located in different data centers, and only a plus when these data centers are located in different countries, and even better - on different continents.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238727/

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