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Estonians will open social networks for cats and dogs in Russia

An Estonian startup that builds social networks for pets received additional funding in the amount of $ 235 thousand. Several Estonian programmers acted as investors, who made a small capital at Skype, where they also received small blocks of shares.

United Dogs and Cats Ltd specializes in creating local social networks in which owners of dogs and cats are geographically combined. On UnitedDogs and UnitedCats sites there are such standard attributes as blogs, profiles (dog and cat), photo albums, etc. The interface of the sites is translated into many languages, including Russian, and the developer company rightly hopes to conquer the neighboring countries. This is quite realistic, because in Russia there are no such projects yet. In Western countries, the situation is different: there is, for example, Dogster and PawSpot .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23872/

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