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ZeroNights 2014 - hackquest


ZeroNights is a conference on practical information security, which we hold this year for the fourth time! We have repeatedly told about it, and many habrakhabrovtsy took part in it.

And we have a tradition - to conduct a hakquest before the conference itself, offering participants various tasks (breaking the web, reversing, analyzing, writing an exploit for binaries - in general practice). For the victory, we give an invitation to the conference and since last year we have been contributing to the “hall of fame” . The rules are as follows:

This year there may be an exception about the duration of the tasks, as some of them are voluminous and complex and there is a possibility that they will not be solved in a day (we will probably renew and give time to complete them by launching a new task according to the plan).

Tasks by type were distributed in the following order: 1 - Alighieri (reverse), 2 - Chip-in-the-middle (misc), 3 - InfectedTerminal (reverse), 4 - Yolochka (pentest), 5 - M-Nature (reverse) , 6 - Kyrai (web, networking), 7 - private bank haxing (misc).

I would like to note that it’s rather not just a task-based CTF, but a hakquest, some of the tasks include solving a really large chain of tasks.

Site quest: http://hackquest.zeronights.org/

Good luck and successful participation!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238711/

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