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Hadoop. Detailed guide. 3rd edition

Maybe you remember the post on this book.

Prototype: Hadoop: The Definitive Guide
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; Third Edition Edition (May 26, 2012)

We reduced the price of the paper version to 450 rubles, PDF and EPUB - 199 rubles

Apache Hadoop is an open source framework that implements the computational paradigm known as MapReduce, which enabled Google to build its empire. This book will show you how to use the full power of Hadoop to create reliable, scalable, distributed systems and handle giant datasets. Programmers will find analysis techniques here, administrators will learn how to install and run Hadoop clusters. If you work with large data arrays, gigabytes or petabytes of information, then Hadoop is the perfect solution. "Hadoop: Detailed Guide" is a book in which all the features of Apache Hadoop are described in a detailed and accessible way. The publication covers the latest changes in Hadoop, including materials on the new MapReduce environment called MapReduce 2, which is based on the YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) system - a common resource management system for distributed applications.



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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238701/

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