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Having a point of view as a problem of modern society and IT-industry

Recently, I have more and more often come across the phenomenon of a point of view on certain events, things, processes, even methods of tea brewing.

In general, the total propaganda of anything, the media and the modern social structure of relationships imply the appearance of a point of view for every person on every situation in the world around him. Any person who is capable of analyzing the information coming to him in one way or another develops his own attitude towards what comes to him through the Internet, TV, conversations with friends.

Developing our point of view is a normal process of organizing that waterfall of information, under which each of us stands in the digital age.
And now I will explain why the point of view is not something that is not needed, but in its generally accepted form is harmful and negatively affects labor efficiency, relationships, people management and personal development over time as a whole and why it should be replaced with a different outlook.

Information flow, information analysis and the influence of authorities

This is what Wikipedia offers us as a definition of the notion “point of view”: Point of view (POV) is a life position from which the subject evaluates the events around him. The term originated from the “point of view” - the place where the observer is located and on which the perspective they see depends.

A modern individual exists within the framework of a certain information flow. The news feed of social networks, RSS, twitter, habr - all this forms a person’s outlook when they familiarize themselves with new information. Depending on the intensity and aggressiveness of the information received, as well as on a number of personal characteristics of a person, his outlook begins to narrow to a point of view. Yes, it is to narrow. It may seem that the development of unambiguous attitudes and opinions on certain issues allows you to streamline your location in life regarding what is happening around. This process gives confidence and gives our hero, modern man, peace and understanding of the surrounding reality. The problem is that without having sufficient communication skills and flexibility of social thinking, a person is often not capable of revising his own, read "life stance". This paradox is strengthened by the influence of authoritative sources, the sayings of successful people, as well as popular today self-developing literature, as well as prof. publications, for example, recruitment and personnel management. Thus, we get a classic situation where a person constantly receives information from the outside and logically seeks to streamline it, forming his personal point of view and, through this process, “sorting out” what he has seen / heard / read. The following factors add fuel to the fire of inability to critically review “recycled” and “assimilated” information:

The human brain is a very lazy thing and its main goal is to reduce calorie consumption, i.e. less work / think. A decrease in brain activity is achieved through the “automation” of typical situations and a reduction in the resources of the human brain involved in the work, i.e. transition from conscious to reflex, unconscious. I think this principle also works with the perception of information to the fullest.

Thus, as soon as a person ceases to deliberately think about the information received, just mindlessly pouring it into your brain, the unconscious takes over, which forms our point of view based on the previously listed factors, as well as a number of others.

Everyone knows the situation when someone considers the best BMW car, and his far from stupid friend, looking like an ancient Viking, huge and bearded, begins to squeak like a girl at the sight of a new Volvo or Nissan. These are typical victims of a point of view.

Point of view in IT or why many people do not tolerate programmers

Each of us more than once or twice came across a situation where people complained that it was impossible to communicate with technicians (programmers, engineers, sys admins, etc.). Many representatives of our brother believe that mere mortals are too stupid to understand the problem of the knowledge gap, but the reason lies slightly in the other.

The vast majority of technical specialists have their own, clear and developed point of view on most issues, including those not related to work.

It is for this reason, even in everyday life, communication with us, at times, becomes simply unbearable for an outsider. A very large role in this was played by the very formation of the personality and the resulting layer of fundamental knowledge in technical disciplines, which, more often than not, do not tolerate the subjunctive moods. Avoiding common academic things that widen a person’s horizons for centuries, and I’m talking about humanitarian disciplines, philosophy, history, controversy, etc., in the direction of hobbies and future profession, led to the inability to perceive different information on the same subject more flexibly. We have lost the ability to recognize the variability and the possibility of the existence of several "truths" and "truths", leaving for ourselves the only, in our opinion, correct, dry, unequivocal answer to the task planted to us.

A person is not born with the ability to critically think, analyze and evaluate information, flexibly reacting to the surrounding processes. This ability is a feature of thinking and perception that trains like a muscle. I'm not saying that a person should completely abandon the formation of personal opinion, but the ability to accept the variability and multiplicity of permissible, true "truths" in the same situation is vital in the conditions of modern realities and the structure of society.

In fact, the overwhelming majority of IT workers are such local tyrants within the framework of acceptance and understanding of opinions other than his own.

An ordinary person who does not have such “tough” life positions, as well as a collision of diametrically opposite points of view of two, or groups of individuals, has a reaction of denying the opponent’s opinion and a banal “hatred”. One of the most vivid examples is the adherents of various political systems of society, the liberal capitalists and (authoritarian) socialists. In such “clashes” constructivism in communication ends and the dirt begins as it is.

That is why every day we can observe such hollivars on the Internet as "Are PHP developers programmers", "Win VS Linux" and others. And the essence here is not even in human nature, but in the adherence of this point of view, which is for him the ultimate and only truth.

The problem of "point of view" in the work

Each of us came across a person who believes that his knowledge and methods of work are many times better than his colleagues. Such an approach and the inability to deviate from its point of view leads to the following problems:

You can enumerate for a very long time and I’m not talking about people who don’t listen to anyone and do things their own way, I’ll rather talk about people who are not able to sacrifice their opinion to achieve greater efficiency, simply because they think differently .

All described and not mentioned, but understandable to us situations grow from one thing only: the inability to reconsider their views on the basis of the information received at the moment. In turn, this stiffness begins from the inability to communicate with people.

In recent years, it has become fashionable to consider ourselves, if not a hermit, then certainly an introvert . Tens and hundreds of thousands of people arrogantly set themselves this beautiful “diagnosis” trying to justify their inability to communicate with other people.

What is communication as such? Communication is first of all the ability to listen to the interlocutor to the end. Yes Yes. First of all, the one who communicates patiently and to the end listens to another person is best communicated. But just as important is how we respond to other people in the course of communication. The art of controversy and discussion is one of the oldest and probably the most respected among human skills as such. The art of conducting a reasoned, balanced and calm conversation without reference to the main weapon of each of us - empirical experience and our own point of view, defending our opinion - this is the key to successful interaction with other people.
And whether it is a conversation in the kitchen, or a fierce battle in the comments, you should never forget that we are not in the market. One of the most important components of a full-fledged communication with another person is an understanding of what he says, an analysis of what is heard / read and an answer based on what was said by another person in the first place.
Unfortunately, at the moment, there are conversations of the blind with the deaf everywhere; each oppresses his own without taking into account what was said by the interlocutor, arguing his own position solely with his own point of view and experience.

Such situations are avoided by people who are not able to accept, but to have several points of view on the same issue at the same time, which is the horizon of the topic under discussion.

What will give you the expansion of his point of view to the outlook in the work?

If you are an ordinary person / ordinary employee:

If you are a manager:

In general, it is possible to list the positive sides of the outlook for a very, very long time. But the most important thing is that the horizon reduces the chance of making mistakes due to the fact that some things remained “behind the scenes” for you and you did not attach importance to them \ did not anticipate such a development of events. It may seem that smart literature from smart people can help you. However, it is not. Any prof. psychological, philosophical literature imposes its own point of view and until you learn to “crush” your consciousness into several “I” in order to keep different “points of view” in one bottle, it will only harm you and cause an incredible jumble of theses and judgments in your head with the presence of dominant elements. For starters, just learn to listen to other people and think that they may be right, partially, or completely, even if their words contradict your judgment 100%. Only after that you learn to hear .

Well and the most important thing, having met another person who has an outlook, but not a point of view, you will get an indescribable pleasure from communicating with him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238699/

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