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About education, work and other troubles

After re-reading the topic. Higher education in Russian, along with comments, decided to share his observations, and of the conclusions from these observations.

A year ago, I graduated from a technical college, in an IT specialty. The university was in my native provincial town, with the teaching staff was very bad, from educational materials - only the Internet ... In total, I had every reason to believe that my education was far from ideal - 80% of it was self-education. This, coupled with the apparent satiation of the labor market by IT specialists, made me fear that I could not find a good job.

However, even before I completed my studies, I received invitations from friends in three different cities (Moscow, Kazan and Samara) - this was somewhat surprising to me even then. I was even more surprised when, after the first interview (which I, in my opinion, shamefully failed, did not answer all the questions), they hired me. Then it made me so happy that I did not even try to get somewhere else.

A year has passed, and now I am already conducting the interviews.
I invite people to the conversation, mostly graduates or students completing the fifth year (about why they are given preference - below). Technicians, state-certified specialists come in - and most are eliminated after the very first question “why do we need the tracert command?”. Even those who have a proud “System Administrator” in their resume in work experience often cannot answer this question - as it turns out, their system administration came down to installing the OS and the programs. One such sysadmin was in charge of servicing some mail server under DOS (the very fact that such a thing still exists is amazing ... but in government offices it is still not found) and was very surprised when I told him about Sendmail - that is I thought that there could be no other options. The horror of the category "the Internet is a blue letter e on the desktop."
There are people who claim that linux is the best operating system in the world, with a resume that clearly says "Experience with linux." But when I ask how, sitting through a terminal connection, in real time to monitor the update of some log, they pass. They know how to use KDE, at best they know about mc, but they have no idea about tail -f.
People come claiming to have experience administering a LAN. It turns out that most often this hides the ability to compress the cross, what is the difference between a switch hub and not everyone knows.
People come claiming to know how to program. Here, to their credit, it turns out that they almost do not lie - they know how to code, sometimes even on more than one PL. But, let's say, they cannot give an example of a problem that can be solved only with the help of complete iteration.
And that finishes completely, they write illiterately. So much so that it is striking.
Even despite the fact that we are sorely lacking employees, we cannot take such "specialists". For two months, we found only one person who was more or less able to answer most of our simple questions. Honestly, he really surprised me with some knowledge - a graduate who knows what IOS and MPLS are (these questions weren’t at the interview =)) is rare nowadays. After the interviews, it turned out that the network was his hobby; there were no such things in the university program. Naturally, we took it with joy - in a year, I am sure, he will make an excellent specialist.
It is a year later, plus or minus a couple of months.
This, by the way, caused a constant shortage of personnel. The specialist who has turned out over the year is already such — and there was no occasion for him to receive a serious increase over the year. Places are released permanently.

Where are you, where, clever and clever, who consult teachers? Where are you, fifth-year students, writing good diplomas on their own? After all, where are you, graduates, knowing that Linux is not only a newfangled free and open operating system, but also a few kilograms of penguin meat a set of powerful administrative tools? :)
Why are you so many on the Internet ©, and so few in real life?

Now, about why we are trying to take only the newly released former students.
As practice shows, a few years after graduation, people begin to think inertly, lose their breadth of vision. And if they have already been able to work somewhere, they know that they can find a job as well as they overestimate their possibilities on this basis. Do not throw stones, this applies to me, besides there are no rules without exceptions.
A recent student is ready to take on any job, because he really doesn’t know what it is worth, and in such circumstances, any person is inclined to underestimate his own assessment. With learnability among graduates, of course, is also much better. For us it is very important - the work is very specific, this is simply not taught anywhere. We teach ourselves, therefore it is believed that the level of knowledge of a regular graduate is necessary and sufficient - but in practice, as it turns out, this level is very low.

By the way, all of my former fellow students, even, as it seemed to me, completely hopeless, were settled well, and, for the most part, also in big cities. I talked with them - the situation is about the same, they came with a vague anticipation of the coming failure - and, to my surprise, from the first or second time they got good positions, although they had to learn in practice what they had to teach University. Basically, too, all self-taught.

Conclusions from the foregoing ... not even conclusions, but questions:
Has the quality of education become so terrible? In my opinion, this is a disaster.
Do not the graduates themselves understand that they do not know anything? Even if you see that teachers are not able to teach you - do it yourself, take exams for the sake of crusts.
Are other employers willing to take people even with such knowledge?
Yes, I did not specifically indicate any data about my place of work. If someone is interested - everything is in the profile. Also, if someone is interested in trying to us - write. We are good.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23869/

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