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Microsoft at KRI 2014 and Games Jam 2014

Dear friends! This year, Microsoft within the framework of the CWI prepared reports for you that will consistently tell about the gaming business on the Microsoft platform, technological capabilities and tools, and how to start developing applications for Windows stores. You will learn about the possibilities of developing games for the whole range of Microsoft devices - the Xbox One gaming console, mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers. Be sure to visit the panel discussion on which the gurus of the Russian gaming industry will share their opinions about the market. If you already have games released on other platforms, then you will certainly be interested to learn how to transfer them to the Microsoft platform. If you are a deep technical specialist, we also prepared for you reports on new features of Visual Studio development tools and cloud services that may be useful when implementing game projects. We are waiting for you on our reports!
We also remind you that today is the last day for accepting applications for the Games Jam 2014 competition . Below is a list of games that are already participating in the prize draw.

Microsoft's participation in the CWI

2 numbers within the framework of the CWI, Microsoft will conduct a series of reports, a list of which can be found at http://kriconf.ru/ . Below is a list of all the reports with descriptions, if someone wants to know the details of the report.
Xbox One - a new level of digital entertainment Andrey Ivashentsev (Microsoft)
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The Xbox One console is the last word in the gaming entertainment world. The interest that the market, players and developers have shown to this device is quite understandable. As part of this report, we will talk about what features Xbox One provides for game developers, how they are created, and about tools and programming models. One of the features of the Xbox One platform is that this device is one of the parts of the “three screens” paradigm and this report will demonstrate a universal approach that allows you to create a game for three platforms at once - Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and Xbox One. You will learn about successful examples of such games, as well as some new features of the new version of Kinect 2 for developers.

The gaming business on the Microsoft platform is the present and the future.
Romuald Zdebsky (Microsoft)
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In the report, we will look in detail at all current trends, programs, technologies, scenarios and monetization opportunities for game developers on all form factors of the Microsoft platform - Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox One. If you want to understand what is currently available from a technological and business points of view in the world of Microsoft technologies, if you want to know where Microsoft is heading in all major areas of game development, as well as learn numbers and examples of the success of your industry colleagues on the latest Microsoft platforms - this report to you.

Panel discussion: Experience in developing games on Windows - technology and business
(Anatoly Ropotov - CEO Game Insight , Sergey Orlovsky - CEO Nival , Anton Rybakov - Head of JoyBits , Romuald Zdebsky - Microsoft) Anatoly Ropotov (CEO Game Insight ), Sergey Orlovsky (CEO Nival ), Anton Rybakov (Head of JoyBits ), Romuald Zdebsky ( Microsoft)
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What technologies and approaches to use and how to maximize money on all possible Windows form factors, ranging from PCs to Windows Store mobile platforms (Windows 8) and Windows Phone? How much does the mobile trend affect the PC market and the genre changes of games and mechanics, and vice versa, how does PC mechanics penetrate the mobile market? How far is the time of middle-ware engines now or, on the contrary, can your own engine provide leadership? We will examine these and many other issues in detail in a panel discussion with leading leaders in the gaming market. To make the discussion as interesting and relevant for a wide audience as possible, heads of companies of various sizes and different profiles - Game Insight, Nival and JoyBits - will participate in the discussion.

Porting applications to the Windows platform and Windows Phone
Dmitry Andreev (Microsoft)
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Transferring existing games to new platforms is undoubtedly a reasonable step to expand the market and increase the income from investments already made. The Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 platforms support the widest range of technologies, and if your existing application is created using Cocos2D, OpenGL, Unity, Marmalade SDK or WebGL / HTML / JavaScript, then you have the opportunity to save most of the code. The report will demonstrate the work on Windows 8 of the most common cross-platform frameworks, as well as give useful recommendations on porting code. In addition, issues of porting code to the Windows 8.1 platform of applications created for older versions of Windows using DirectX and XNA technologies will be touched upon.

Under the hood, DirectX 11.2 - Visual Studio 2013 Graphic Application Debugging Tools
Dmitry Andreev (Microsoft)
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DirectX 11.2 is undoubtedly a powerful and quite complex API. It is sometimes very difficult to understand the intricacies of function calls, the order in which they are called, the preparation of preliminary data for shaders, and the management of pipeline states. That is why Visual Studio 2013 included a number of features that make debugging applications that use DirectX much easier. With the help of this toolkit, literally every pixel can be studied and not a single nuance of its creation will be missed.

Empower Your Game with Microsoft Azure
Alex Andr Belotserkovsky (Microsoft)
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Modern gaming applications are hard to imagine without a multitude of online services, including those providing monetization and interaction between players. Building infrastructure of such services may require significant investments. A sensible solution to this issue is to use existing cloud platforms, such as Microsoft Azure. This report will cover the main features of this platform, development tools, as well as examples of successful use in large game projects.

Do not forget to visit our booth! On it, you can play Xbox One and get acquainted with the latest technology on Microsoft OS.
For those who do not have the opportunity to attend the conference in person, we will organize an online broadcast of our track reports.

Games competition Games Jam 2014.

Within the framework of the conference, we also hold a competition of games with a prize drawing. Competition rules are published at http://special.habrahabr.ru/microsoft/kri/#designer-games .
At the time of publication of this post in the framework of the competition 28 applications, today is the last day of their admission. If you are not there, and you are sure that you should be, write to winstore@gamesjam.org .

Bio Battle , Ball Fall , Beaver Kickin ' , CarX Drift Racing , Circle + , Clean Up! , Clumsy Sheep Lullaby , Frontline Battles Online , Macho: Birds in Danger , Persei 8 , Real Slingshot , Red Reactor , Resolve It! , RoboTrek , Space Cutter Demo , Spear of Destiny , Technocracy: Voyager ;

Perhaps some of the participants of the Games Jam 2014 will also go to the hackathon 2-3 numbers , we think that this will be a good reason to start a new project or continue something recently begun.

See you at KRI 2014!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238681/

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