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Google shares set an absolute record: + 20% in one day

On Friday, investors' love for Google unexpectedly returned and proved very powerful. After the publication of Google’s quarterly reports, which were able to completely refute the depressive statistics of ComScore (comScore’s excuses see here ), Google’s shares set an absolute growth record since the initial placement in August 2004. In just one day, they added 20% to the price. Thus, the capitalization of Google returned to the January level of $ 170 billion.

However, until the full restoration of positions is still far away, because the fall was too great. Having reached a peak on November 6, 2007 ($ 747), since then Google shares almost continuously fell, sometimes slipping to almost $ 400.

And only now, after this 20% jump up, can we say with a large degree of confidence that the market is ready for the reverse cycle. Still, no matter how good the financial results are (and they are not so fantastic, last year the numbers were better), but still so powerful growth rate is due not only to financial statements, but also the psychological readiness of investors for global growth. It is possible that on Monday a sharp increase will continue. In a few hours we will know for sure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23868/

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