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Evernote service is not affected by Shellshock bug

Information about the GNU Bash vulnerability, discovered by Stephanie Chaselas, was publicly disclosed last week. The bug has the official name CVE-2014-6271 , but is better known as Shellshock. GNU Bash is on most Linux and OS X systems, and we use this interpreter to manage servers and other Evernote service infrastructure.

Given the severity of the bug, we decided to make a separate statement that the vulnerability does not affect the security of our service. Evernote code and infrastructure has been designed to prevent attacks using this vulnerability. As an Evernote user, you do not need to take any action.

We also use some external services to support our users. We are unaware that some of them were affected by this bug, and we continue to check them to make sure of this completely. We will let you know if we find anything.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238671/

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