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Month before Mobile Developers Conference #MBLTDev

A month later, on October 28, Moscow will host a conference for mobile developers #MBLTDev , organized by e-Legion and RAEC .

The program is gradually being filled in and we are pleased to present to your attention a list of reports and speakers who have already confirmed their participation:

Tickets can be purchased on the official conference website . The cost of one ticket is 5,000 rubles, with the purchase of 2 or more - a 30% discount. And under the cut you will find a special offer to purchase tickets for users of Habr.

Action for users

Active and useful users of Habrahabr can get a discount on #MBLTDev depending on the size of their karma. For example, if karma is 23, then the discount will be 23%. Maximum discount - 90%.

To get a discount, send me a personal message from your account with the mark "#MBLTDev". To purchase a ticket you need to register on the conference website. Ticket can not be transferred to another person.

You can follow news about the conference on Twitter and Facebook .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238647/

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