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The social network "Anti-Facebook" has a "viral" growth

In a matter of days, the new social network Ello, described as "anti-Facebook", for its position on privacy and advertising, has become perhaps the most popular on the Internet.


Created last year as a “private” social network, Ello recently opened its doors based on “by invitation only”.

Due to limited supply and high demand, invitations were forced to sell on eBay at prices up to $ 500. Some reports say Ello received up to 35,000 requests per hour last week.
Ello seems to have won the audience with a simple message that aims to eliminate the frustrations of users from the social networking site Facebook . “Ello does not sell advertising. We also do not sell data about you to third parties, ”said company representatives.

In the "manifesto" of the company says: "We believe the social network can be a tool for empowering people, but not a tool for deceiving, manipulating or forcing anything. This is a place to connect people with each other, you create something and enjoy life. You are not a product ... ”The policy of ELLO claims that the practice of collecting and selling personal data for profit“ is at once terrible and unethical. Under the guise of "free" service, users pay a high price for intrusive advertising and lack of privacy. "


Based in Vermont, Ello was launched by a group of artists and programmers led by Paul Badnitz, whose previous experience includes designing bicycles and robots. Badnitz says on its page that Ello was designed to be "simple, beautiful, and ad-free."

Nathan Jurgenson, a social media researcher at the University of Maryland, welcomed the new ELLO approach. “I love these moments of new social media, when talking about them“ explodes ”, the vision of social networks shifts in that they can be very different, and not just caustic and cause boredom and pity,” he said on his Ello page. The project is gaining so much attention precisely because it promises social media according to a different policy. "

The growth of ELLO also comes amid complaints from Facebook from the gay community that the world's largest social network has started disabling accounts that use stage names instead of real names.

San Francisco is planning a protest against Facebook in support of “transvestites” who have lost their Facebook accounts. Ello, in turn, does not require real names.

It remains unclear whether Ello will ultimately be just a failed attempt or, nevertheless, it will evolve according to a lucrative business plan. Ello says she plans to stay "absolutely free to use, but she may start offering some additional features, for a fee."


There are some questions about the success of Ello, whether this social network can succeed with this type of business model and preserve its principles. But a former Ello employee said that Ello’s policy had already been undermined by taking $ 435,000 in venture capital funding.

The designer and founder of Ind.ie said that he worked for Ello for a while, but left her when he learned about venture capital investments. “An integral part of venture capital is the exit plan. And no investor will give you venture capital without him. And the exit plan is preceded by the construction of the actual product itself, ”he said.

The article was prepared by the team Telebreeze Team
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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238623/

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