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The Internet at the crossing, or When the gold rush ends. Part 2

“... The interesting one appears, as the hero of one of the last TV shows loved to repeat, an oil painting. And I want to draw a sketch of this picture in separate strokes. ”

With these words, I finished one of my last notes. The promise must be fulfilled, I sat down for this "oil painting" and began to make strokes. However, my strokes were rather chaotic, and the picture began to turn out to be somewhat multifaceted, going far beyond the limits of what was previously planned. As a result, I began to look like a general picture of the social Internet at the present stage of its development. This is, in essence, an express review of the latest events and publications in the field of Web 2.0 with some of my subjective considerations. But even with reference to this area, the picture is not quite complete, and not even a picture yet, but only sketches for it.

In some places it turned out better, in others worse. I placed all this in five portions in my iTech Bridge –blog, providing the necessary links. You just want to introduce you only with key excerpts from each such outline. The first and second portions on Habré were already laid out . Below are the three remaining ...
I want to warn those who decide to get acquainted with the original. Temporarily, due to switching to another server, all links to iTech Bridge are redirected to itech-forum.com. At some point, the transfer may be disabled. In this case, contact directly to the place of temporary storage of my blog . Sorry for any inconvenience.

Portion three
Where you can pay for content
Sketch 23. Information resource saturation is the main difference between the business and professional web from the mass and entertainment. The most interesting, from my point of view, are complex social information-rich resources. Like traditional massive integrated resources, which are now widely known (MySpace, FaceBook), they unite several social services under one roof. However, in information-rich resources, the composition of these services is more expanded, they should be more organically interconnected, and their main task is to “deliver” quality content to the mountain. Such content, for which you can really pay. After all, it’s not for nothing that Gartner assumes that “social networks will become more valuable because of content, rather than new-fangled technologies.”
Sketch 24. Forrester recently published the results of a rather interesting study: who, how and why in social networks works with content information. In the same study, a classification of users of social resources by the criterion of “informational activity” is given. Here, researchers identify 6 types of users: creators, critics, drives, viewers, users, only those who accompany their profiles and passive users, who only did what they registered. In this case, 80% of the content is generated, only 20% of users originate If you read into the Forrester report, you can see that the remaining 80% of users account for no more than 20% of such content. Moreover, only 5 to 10% of users are authors of original and high-quality content.

Wanted professionals
Sketch 25. Undisguised areas where there are so few professional programmers, it seems to me, lie in the field of information-rich social resources and, above all, complex ones. Why do I think that there is no comprehensive information-rich resources? Yes, because we see only separately developing areas related to blogs, forums, video and audio content. We see how almost treading on the ground are the directions associated with the accumulation of links (social bookmarking and social news resources), as well as with developed methods for evaluating information. If one of the above is included in complex social resources, then he plays a supporting role there.

Sketch 26. Creating platforms for building information-rich resources is the most interesting task awaiting professional programmers today. There are practically no such platforms now. Therefore, for professional programmers there is no end of work. First of all, this concerns transparent SaaS-platforms compatible with Open Social.

Sketch 27. A new concept began to come into use - splog (a combination of the words spam and blog). The Dev Sifri introduced it in his April 2007 review of the current state of the blogosphere. So he suggested calling all the garbage that appears in this part of the Internet. I would add more rubbish coming from various reference resources like digg and del.icio.us. By analogy with the first term, it is quite possible to call these “garbage links” as splink. I want to note that, despite the “human face” of collective filtering, it is unlikely to be able to reach a full-fledged “collective mind” without good algorithms for processing the results of user ratings. And this is the task of both mathematicians and class programmers.
It's time to grow up

Sketch 28. Communication, indeed, is still dominant on the social Internet. Maybe that is why he remains predominantly youth. For the sake of communication, its efficiency is sacrificed to everything: the quality of information, and privacy. Operational (chat) and intra-resource (PM) correspondence, often almost private conversations through blogs and forums began to crowd out regular email. Many argue that this post, in general, will soon die off.

Sketch 29. I liked one paraphrase. The author, who led him, pushed off the Buddhist dictum: "A person who reads during a meal will not enjoy either of this or that." Similarly, the author noted, a person who writes on his Twitter blog and at the same time follows the movement of friends at the same time will not find new friends and lose old ones. They say that social networks are becoming more and more mobile, go to cellular telephony. Apparently, the way it is, but ... will go there youth and entertainment "social sphere" with your Twitter. But the social web will continue to grow, become more and more information-rich, more professional and more business.
Portion four
SaaS in the clouds
Sketch 30. Recently, at one site I met a forecast that, they say, 2008 in RuNet will be the year of SaaS. "Arrived," I said to myself, and in a good way. It is high time. So, my opponents were not quite right, who claimed that Russia was not compatible with SaaS.

Sketch 31. SaaS. When we pronounce this slightly strange looking abbreviation from Software-as-a-Service (software-as-service), each of us puts his own meaning in it. As, by the way, in most other key concepts of Web 2.0. However, if we speak very formally, then SaaS and the Internet, in general, were born on the same day. Moreover, these are absolutely equivalent concepts. After all, any service that the Internet provides to us is provided by some remote software. More interesting are the narrower interpretations of the SaaS term.

Sketch 32. The other day there was information about another profession SaaS. He now acts as a sales agent. Companies producing traditional off-line programs began to provide their simplified on-line versions free of charge. How did Adobe with its PhotoShop. The calculation is made on the fact that, having worked with the current demo version of the program, the consumer will sooner or later be faced with the need to buy its extended version.
Sketch 33. In one of my first notes on SaaS, I noticed that in its essence this direction can be attributed to outsourcing. In our case, this is outsourcing IT services. The preachers of the new cloud computing ideology come now to the same conclusion. This fashionable term, which I would translate as “computing in the clouds,” combines all types of IT services that are outsourced and focused on the use of remote online programs. The “computing in the clouds” includes, in particular, the concept of SaaS. This is also where his elder brother ASP (Application Service Providers) belongs. Here we will find “remote data warehouses” from Sun, IBM and Amazon, and all variants of remote API elements, and PaaS (Platform-as-Service).
Oh gun, which still shot
Sketch 34. Unlike its first partner, IBM, which in its time left the mainstream market for personal business B2B, Microsoft seems to rely on small and medium businesses. In any case, the events of recent weeks testify to this. According to the “Stanislavsky law”, the gun that “hung on the wall for a long time” still fired. At this time, the role of such a "gun", as expected, was assigned to MS Live Office. The closed and finished open beta testing of two new applications MS Live Office Small Business and MS Live Office Workspace, directly complementing MS Live Office.
Sketch 35. On-line office his attack on the SaaS - the market Bill Gates does not end. After all, if you look closely at MS Live Office Small Business, you cannot help noticing that this is nothing more than an on-line version of MS SharePoint server software. This already well-known software package is a development of an even more well-known MS Server 2003, which used to work in local corporate networks and on the Intranet. Recent versions of MS SharePoint have been enhanced with some Web 2.0 social services. Among them are the wiki and the widespread use of labels (tagging).

Sketch 36. I remember that there was such a vivid illustration of the essence of capitalism. Flying one after the other fish, where each next in size is larger than the one that swims in front. Her then she is going to swallow. The M & A processes (mergers and acquisitions) currently underway in the Internet business are well displayed by this picture. Yahoo acquires Flickr, and at the same time is targeted by Microsoft and other market giants. However, if the process of absorption is more a solution to financial and legal issues, then digestion of the swallowed is already an organization and technology, but here not everything and not always proceeds smoothly. It is especially bad when one type of poorly combined services and products appear in one large company that you want to somehow link up with each other, as well as with other services and products.
Web 2.0 at work
Sketch 37. It seems that the success of Mashup in the mass Web 2.0 turned out to be the lever that the corporate SOA has shifted from the dead point. First off-line programs began to embed various mashup in themselves - tools that allowed them to communicate with web programs. One can expect that by gradually mastering the culture of mixed services in this way, developers of corporate off-lan systems will go to the methods of SOA –technology within these systems. Although there are supporters of a slightly different point of view. They believe that the local SOA will gradually evolve into a global SOA, or web-based architecture (WOA). After all, if you look at such a global SOA, it is impossible not to notice that this is nothing but another application of the concept of Software + Service.

Sketch 38. Today, everyone speaks about Enterprise 2.0 in the West. Therefore, following the logic of developments, I would not be surprised if, say, 2009 in RuNet is called the year Enterprise 2.0.

Sketch 39. The question of whether or not to include certain types of resources in the concept of Enterprise 2.0 is in many ways a purely methodological question that does not affect the essence of the phenomenon. However, this cannot be said about the use in the business of reference services a la digg and del.icio.us. Starting with my note “Why would I abstain”, I have so far unsuccessfully tried to prove that in their mass version these services are not suitable for business use.

Sketch 40. The ancients claimed that everything returns to its circle. More recently, I read that corporate web portals are dying. It turned out not. Just gradually, they began to acquire new qualities. The core of this new portal is the traditional corporate system (content and document management, resource planning / ERM, customer relationship / CRM, accounting management, general information system, etc.) integrated with Enterprise 2.0 social services.

Final portion
Three, two, or ... yet one?
Sketch 41. Every day there is a growing number of publications, the authors of which are trying to predict what this long-awaited Web 3.0 will look like. I would break all such publications into two groups. The authors of the first group (let's call it futurological) liken themselves to science fiction writers who are trying to anticipate the technique of the distant future. Many members of our futurological group predict not only the next generation of the Network, but also threaten more distant generations. However, I still closer to the second group of publications, which I call pragmatic. Authors - pragmatists consider Web 3.0 not as the next revolution in the Web, but rather as a normal evolutionary stage of its development. In other words, “the future is already present in the present,” as one of my virtual friends claims.
Sketch 42. Here I want to dwell only on one pragmatic forecast. The authors see it as Web 3.0 simply as a new model for the monetization of the social web. And the general essence of the business model they are considering is “making money” on a statistical analysis of the personal information of users and the monitoring of all their actions on the social network. The output statistics are traded. The infamous FaceBook Beacon is only the first, so far not very successful attempt to explicitly oppose targeting vs. privacy. ” Slowly but surely, it is heading in the same direction of Google with its seemingly innocuous Social Graph and YouTube Insight.
Sketch 43. One of the generic features of Web 2.0 according to O'Reilly is the “eternal beta,” in which all resources related to it are constantly in a state. But no one said that the Web 2 itself should always be in beta, that is, in the “zero” state. Tested and enough, you need to move on. But seriously, it seems to me that this orgy with numbers will end soon. Everyone will understand that the Internet is still in its first “tube” state, and the “web transistor” is still waiting for its invention. So, futurologists do not face unemployment ...

In parallel with the preparation of my sketches for the film, I gave an interview for LiveIdea. A number of my answers there can also be viewed as additional strokes to some of the sketches already provided for your attention.

Portion 1 | Portion 2 | Portion 3 | Portion 4 | Conclusion

- * If you were forced to go directly to the server where the original of my blog is temporarily stored , in this case the intrablog links (and only they) may not work properly. Once again I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23861/

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