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Silicon Valley shows with Bobuk, ABBYY vice president, founder of QIWI and other IT + guys + free codes for the online version

Silicon Valley is a series about six young developers in San Francisco trying to start a business. The pilot was filmed in 2013, and HBO (which is “Game of Thrones”) first financed the creation of the season, and then the second one at once.

Do you recognize Google?

I don’t remember which of us brought this contagion to coworking, but after 5 minutes of “smoke break” we took and wrote to Amediatek - the copyright holder in Russia.
After 20 minutes, we went to their main PR site, and she, at a meeting with her management, agreed to arrange shows at #tceh with invited “stars” of the domestic IT business. Now tell you what happened.

The essence of the idea

We take the series "Silicon Valley" and show it in our large hall or audience. We take out real entrepreneurs and investors, who are ready to share experience and their stories. In general, the industry workshop.

No one takes anything for anything. Cookies, coffee and tea are free.

As it turned out, Amediatheka herself already tried to negotiate the shows of Silicon Valley with one well-known Moscow region startup platform, but everything stalled. And here we are so beautiful ourselves came.

Why do we need it? Because we have an educational program, it has various lectures and master classes. In Moscow there are many places where you can find a person who talks about 2-3 hours about his favorite topic, but not a group of comrades who say what mistakes are at the beginning of the project, and even argue about it.

Therefore, we decided to do a dynamic thing, where there is a fan, and communication with the right people, and - in part - a lecture hall. The scheme is as follows:

  1. Take the plot of the series.
  2. We select topics that are relevant to our market.
  3. We find heroes of such adventures and invite you to visit.
  4. We show the series in the hall at all.
  5. Heroes tell their stories and answer questions.

As a result, the speakers are not talking about what they have already given a dozen or so interviews - well, or at least not in the section in which they are used to.


In the first series, the main character refused to sell his life in a large corporation and decided to build a company. We invited the creator of QIWI, Alexander Romanenko, to tell how he refused to sell the company to a large bank three times - and brought it to an IPO. How did you manage to pull it out? Just wrote to him on his birthday and said that this is our gift.

They wanted to call Grishin, he almost agreed - but the sudden story with the published passwords to the post-office prevented him from escaping.

Just a few days before the start, Kommersant and Almaz supported the whole story, so Alexander Galitsky also came to the premiere. By the way, he praised the “authenticity” of the series.

So that the invited heroes did not stray on the “beaten track”, we were joined by Alexei Obrovec, who works part time at Yandex (a flashback film about Segalovich — including his work), and partly devotes to his project. He is very cool able to conduct interviews, can ask uncomfortable or unexpected questions - and at the same time maintain an informal spirit of conversation, without this sensation of the reporting meeting.


The first season of the series is devoted to a new data archiving algorithm. 8 episodes of 30 minutes tell everything, everything from the stage of team building, opening a company and searching for an investor to a conflict with him. A parallel is the definition of the model, there is a strong competitor in the background, processes are built within the team, there are jambs in PR, the division of shares and so on.

The result is MVP, the minimum working version of the product. All this is supplied with a portion of American humor and characteristic characters for "Silicon Valley". There really are many references to real overseas entrepreneurs, companies and investors: from Peter Thiel, Sean Parker and Google to less recognizable.

Watch the trailer here, for example .

The author of the idea and producer Mike Judge was a programmer - first he developed software for the American fighter, then for several years joined the robotic project in Silicon Valley in the 80s. And then did Beavis and Butthead.

First show

We prepared the entire hall in half an hour - before that there was a round table. However, before that, the press wall was assembled in the backyard of the business center for half an hour - it turns out that it is difficult to screw this construction down and then pull the banner on it.

The most fear - 20 minutes before the event. We see Romanenko with his colleagues in the fund and a couple of our acquaintances. A photographer takes pictures, as we rush among 280 chairs - and emptiness.

For half an hour no one is scared

But here we leave from the hall to the zone, where there is coffee and cookies - and there is a crowd! 80% of applicants came - previously there was no such conversion for free events, the usual one - 50%.

Full room

Then Andrei Romaneko told Obrovtsu and the hall how he did not invest in GetTaxi, and then regretted it. This story is very amused bosses Amedia, they came to the first show, - one of them is just the investor of this project.

Andrew gave important advice: do not tell the market about the idea, show the finished one. Then you can not steal anything, you can only copy - and still need to catch up. And while there was a series in the hall, he talked with people for more than an hour in the corridor: he listened to the pitches, made recommendations, distributed several packs of business cards.

Second show

On the series, where the hero decides whether to leave a friend in the project or not, we invited Roketbank - a project founded by Grupon friends and MIPT.

Viktor Lysenko, CEO of the project, told me in detail and honestly how to do business with friends. Many recommend not to start with those whom you know for a long time, personally and to whom you have a good attitude, but Victor thinks differently: “And to whom else can you turn to at the start”. Here are his tips: rusbase.vc/school/co-friends

In short, the second time we rip the template.

Third show

The third series is about choosing a product name. We picked up four little-known, but relevant stories, here's an example of one:

“Initially, when the idea of ​​the project came, we decided to call cooxtream.com - it sounds interesting, modern and there is a domain (.com). When, after 3 days, we won the competition in Startup Weekend 2012 in San Francisco, the judges' comment was something like this: guys, everything is fine, but you definitely need to work with the name. It turned out that they did not read it through “cook” - “cook”, but through “cook” - and the associations were not the best.

We thought a lot, but decided to leave the name, but with a different spelling and the .tv domain - if they say everything is fine, the investor will easily give money to buy out .com (when they wrote to the owner of cookstream.com with an offer to buy a domain for $ 2000, he even refused to answer - he wanted to talk from $ 10,000). After working on the project for over a year, 20,000 likes on Facebook, we discovered that the owner of this domain suddenly wrote similar slogans and began collecting subscribers. It was even worse that our users began to recommend him. Some even asked, “what is this about cookstream.tv, do you know about them?”.

We were furious and were about to sue. But instead of this epic decided to change the name again. In the end, they took 10 domains and gave the user group a choice: they stopped at TalkToChef.com.

Fourth show and on

We continue the shows every Thursday until the end of October. This Thursday, October 2, there will be a new series of pro visionaries and investors. There will be a vice-president of ABBYY, two funds, trying to negotiate with Enter.ru. Registration and details.

The fifth series on October 9 - there will be a special guest, a Russian, who founded 500px in Canada and in a few years brought the community from a thousand to a million - plus a discussion of all sorts of interesting things about the development and tuning of processes in engineering teams. Details .

October 16 at the 6 series will be Grigory bobuk Bakunov from Yandex - talking about the curvature of the current platform technologies and their bright future.

7 series - guys get on Techcranch. At this point, everything is bad for them, and the developers are thinking of going over to another company, but they find out that she is in even bigger ass. Although the latter received investment and raspiaareny. At the same time, it turns out that the co-founder of the company slept with the wife of the judge of the jury of Tehkranch (reputation management). If you know such stories - come. We will still have people who saw how it all filmed right at that conference.

8 series - after the announcement from a competitor-corporation, the guys urgently try to turn around 180 degrees. The prototype, reassembled for the night on the knee, suddenly tears all. We are going to call those who know how to work with MVP when it is already there.

It would be great to hear your suggestions on speakers and topics of the series. To make it easier to call someone who wrote to me in person, I’ll give you promotional codes to watch the show and all the content of the Amediateka for two weeks. It is never free for us, but the general partner of Almaz Capital, and the other partner, Kommersant publishing house, plus the support of the IIDF, help us to be so generous. Thanks to them.

Come on, it's free. Write to ak@tceh.com or in a personal, I will make a pass to #tceh.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238605/

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