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Gingerbread for the users of the correct browsers

Explaining once the advantages of browsers such as firefox and opera over all my favorite IE, I realized how not obvious their advantages are when telling about them.

There is not a single iron argument in the whole list for a simple user to leave IE6. For developers seeking to use the new features of browsers, this is a big problem. But who does she care about besides them? Therefore, all sorts of promotions from the “Block for IE access to your site” series are held, which bring some effect, but this is clearly not enough. I want to offer another way to weaken the position of the “most beloved” browser, which is radically different from similar actions.

First I want to tell you how I came to this thought. One fine winter day, in between productive activities, I read LJ and came across a curious post about CSS . In this post, Madame derzelle (I explain for those who were too lazy to follow the link) described an example of CSS for firefox, which provides html-forms highlighting, “ala safari”:

Not bad, right?

Permeated by this creative, I reworked these css for myself. As it is easy to guess - under IE this thing categorically refused to work. At first, I wanted to rewrite this chip in Javascript to provide support for IE, but fortunately I stopped on time, doing something more productive. And I left the feature to live in one of my web applications. Here, by the way, its code:

 textarea, input, select, button
         border: 1px solid gray;
         outline: 1px solid white;

 textarea: hover, input: hover, button: hover
         border-color: # CC0000;
 textarea: focus, input: focus, button: focus
         border-color: red;
         outline-color: red;

I remembered about my pontovoy highlighting of forms, which I already had time to get used to by loading the hellish IE - something I needed to debug in it. I immediately noticed that it is unusual for me to work with its forms in which the backlight does not work. I felt very sad and lonely.

It was at that moment that it dawned on me. Why torture users and yourself, prohibiting one to use IE, and others to substitute crutches for it to work as a normal browser, when you can just score on this problem? These little things in no way affect the operation of web applications. They only decorate the basic functionality. Of course, you can complicate this feature so that it works in all browsers, but then the main point is lost - encouraging users with normal browsers and saving time on crutches for beautiful things. Users begin to see with their own eyes the difference between browsers and make a choice in favor of more convenient. Which is very great for developers who want to forget about IE like a bad dream ...

Taken from my blog

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23859/

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