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The next Moscow CocoaHeads will be held on October 3

This week is rich in thematic meetings of developers. On Friday, October 3, we invite everyone to the Mail.Ru Group office at Moscow CocoaHeads, the traditional developer meeting for iOS / OS X. At these meetings, you can present your report, tell about your project, share experiences and just chat with like-minded people. It is not necessary to be a guru, you can just come and listen to what the older comrades think, ask urgent questions. This time there will be three speakers, so the evening will be full of information.

The first in the program is Oleg Ovechkin 's report “How to be a more productive developer for iOS”. Within this comprehensive theme, Oleg will share his experience using tools and tricks that save developer time: quick access to the Simulator folders, a quick Color Picker from the screen in UIColor format, a set of string resource identifiers without errors, and much more.

At the same time, Oleg is far from snobbery and invites students at the end of his speech to share their own findings in the area of ​​improving the development process.

Next Ilya Snakin will speak, the theme of his report will be “Patterns in the Cocoa Touch”. It will be a question of design patterns that many developers apply every day, but are not aware of or are embarrassed to admit it.
The speaker shares the definition of a “design pattern”: this is the way to solve a problem in context. A problem means a goal in front of you, and the context is a kind of repetitive situation and the limitations stemming from it. Ilya will show how the features of the Objective-C language and the preferences of the authors of the framework influenced the adaptation of the development patterns in Cocoa Touch. When using this framework, its inherent features can affect or even form some kind of context for the problem. And to turn the restrictions imposed by Cocoa Touch can be turned into new opportunities, if you well understand the details of the implementation of patterns. And Ilya will tell you how this can be achieved.

The last speaker, Alexander Zimin , will delight students with a presentation on several topics at once. The first part will be devoted to the new programming language Swift. In particular, Alexander will explain and show how in Swift the overloading of operations for his classes is carried out, how one can create his own operations. Of course, all this will be shown on real examples. For example, how can you implement the famous F # Pipe-Forward Operator. Alexander will also share his opinion on the set of operations needed by each developer.

In the next part of the presentation, the speaker will talk about working with the new features of Xcode 6, Debug View Hierarchy and @ IBDesignable / @ IBInspectable. Alexander believes that they will be extremely useful to two groups of developers: those whose projects are saturated with a large number of customized elements, and the authors of libraries with visual elements. And as a dessert, Alexander will show a demo about the creation of Today Extension (widgets in iOS 8) and tell in detail about the benefits of the App Groups repository.

The meeting will begin at 19.00 in the office Mail.Ru Group. As usual, do not forget to take your passport with you. To participate, you must register . Waiting for you! There will also be an online broadcast of the event, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and hear answers from the speakers - just send them to @CocoaHeadsMSK . Video recordings of the reports will be added to the youtube-channel of the meeting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238561/

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