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Courses of information technology Yandex. Life before and after

Hello! My name is Danil Akhmetov, and a year ago I was not an employee of Yandex. And now I work in a team that develops an internal IaaS solution for the scale of all Yandex. I didn’t get into it immediately - at first there were Information Technology Courses and an internship in one of the most critical areas in terms of fault tolerance - the banner system.

Since Yandex recently announced a new set for CIT , I decided to tell you about what experience I got there and what they can give you. Registration is open until October 7, and, although there are not so many places, I hope that my story will help someone to decide to go to study and maybe change their lives a little.

A couple of years ago I graduated from Ulyanovsk State University with a degree in Applied Informatics. Thesis wrote on clusters, supercomputers and the prospects of distributed computing. I was invited to admin to a not very large company developing a legal reference and information system. The work was interesting, there was almost complete freedom in solving the existing problems - everything went on as usual. It is unlikely that much would have changed if, on October 18, 2013, the team leader of the development department of the web version of the reference product did not send me a link to the page of the upcoming KIT, the fourth in a row.

Perhaps not all people treat Yandex equally. In general, the Yandex services left me with pleasant impressions, but, like the vast majority of my acquaintances in the field of information technology, I was looking for in Google. The default browser since early beta versions was Chrome, and the mail from the first course was Gmail in the personal domain. Only my father, a candidate of chemistry and a doctor of pedagogical sciences, preferred Yandex, and in discussions about my future career and life plans, he said that the best programmers in Russia and Yandex services always cited as an example, claiming that for his tasks they are resolutely best of all. I used to trust my father, and, probably, that is why I felt respect for people who made Yandex. And not only to programmers.

For registration at CIT, it was suggested to write about yourself; optionally, you could attach a resume. After a successful submission of the form, I received a test with questions that did not cause difficulties. Perhaps it was conceived, because the coolest was ahead.

KIT has begun. In a huge and extremely bright office, a full KITyt audience gathered. Each new time “fighters” came to us from different “fronts” - Mail, Disc, Market, financial services - and shared success stories. I was greatly impressed by Viktor Ashik , KIT's steadfast leader and mentor of many, many specialists who had met him at least once. From the first minutes, he earned me personal respect.

I discovered Cgroups, plunged into the IPv6 specification, consolidated the skills of everyday data encryption and connections with public and private keys and, most importantly, discovered Python as a daily system administrator tool . KIT gave me a tremendous push, which was not enough to reach a new level. But I still did not guess how soon and abruptly my life would change.

The courses ended with pizza and awarding certificates on their completion. I learned that some outstanding participants were offered internships at the company. To be honest, I also really wanted to be in their place, but I didn’t really count on such an opportunity, because I thought that I was much weaker than those who studied at KIT along with me.

However, luck smiled at me. On December 14th, the phone rang and I received an invitation for an internship. For the next three months, I spent all my free time from the main work in the Group for the operation of the Yandex banner system. It was a difficult, but surprising time: my colleagues were the creators of services that process many millions of clicks on banners a day, and those on whose shoulders all the fun is called Yandex. In addition, I worked with a person who hacked SPS3. Working with the guys, I added the possibility of ultra-high-speed network booting of machines to the in- project server filling system according to barely announced lpxelinux , improved the remotefs network file system for the needs of the department, mastered the automation of routine tasks using jenkins, and better understood the packaging of my software for Linux.

When my internship came to an end, it turned out that I was budding from the group operating the banner system to the infrastructure cloud development group as a junior devops. Perhaps the key role was played by the fact that my graduate work at the university was devoted to computing clusters.

For many, it will not be a secret that Yandex already has one cloud technology — Cocaine, but this is not about it. Cocaine is a system that makes it possible to create cloud applications using the cocaine API, that is, PaaS (Platform as a Service). The team, to which I smoothly rolled, is developing a company-wide scale IaaS solution (Infrastructure as a Service), which is used in very many projects. Simply put, this is such an internal DigitalOcean, where a user (administrator, developer or tester from any department of Yandex) can easily deploy any number of virtual servers with any characteristics in any network and domain zone. And, as if by magic, manage them, forgetting that there are physical servers. Only all this without billing and not DigitalOcean, of course.

At the core of Yandex's IaaS is a refined OpenStack , tightly integrated with intradex authorization (a small version of Yandex.Passport), monitoring, an inter-center infrastructure, and many improvements that claim to be included in the upstream OpenStack. A cloud is a very, very complex thing, consisting of a large number of components, some of which are not found anywhere outside the company. The service has several levels of abstraction, through which it sometimes happens with a crash to fall to the bottom, on bare hardware, but even today we guarantee internal users a quality of service, in which productive servers can be placed in the cloud.

Corporate IaaS, perhaps one of the youngest and most promising today. Constantly being between the development of administration tools and the actual administration of the infrastructure cloud, working together with the developers of the IaaS components, you can see the problem from several sides at once and solve it in the best way. Even walking on the obvious rake, it is nice to understand that you follow them first.

When I went to CIT, I wanted to learn from the best and apply what I learn, wherever I am. Working in Yandex and solving everyday tasks together with those who can teach a lot is interesting and cool. I am happy to be here and now. But this would have been impossible not only without KIT, but also without all those who have been with me all the time lately: a supervisor at the university, colleagues from previous work, CITY, with whom I studied and got an internship, friends, and of course, parents. Thank you all!

Perhaps my story will seem too personal to you, but I will be glad if he helps someone to get together, and maybe take a new important step in life. And the details about our internal IaaS, we will tell.

PS By the way, all the lectures of past Courses are posted on Habré , but the program is updated every year. A list of upcoming lectures can be found here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238533/

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