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Conducting a "field" study (survey): the most common mistakes

I am writing another report and swearing. The fact is that we were ordered only an analysis, and the field (survey) was ordered from other contractors, we decided to save. As a result, the tasks prescribed in the technical task cannot be performed. From the calculation of the elasticity of demand to the analysis of the results. I present a short list of recommendations for those who are going to conduct a survey in order to obtain certain data and analyze them.

1. Be clear on the goal. The more specific the goal - the wider the range of issues, the rigidity of the sample, the requirements for those who will conduct the survey.
2. Make a questionnaire. Themselves. And with her, go to order a poll. Do not trust to make a questionnaire to those who will conduct a survey. They can only be trusted to shovel and optimize the questionnaire. But the frame you have to do yourself.
3. Make a sample structure. Up to details and instructions for interviewers. Up to the phrases "do not interrogate the homeless and emo." Be sure to specify the places (areas, points) where the survey will be conducted.
4. If you are working with “field workers” for the first time, be sure to check their work, send “secret buyers / respondents to questions”.
5. If you entrust the analysis of the results to third parties / companies, be sure to coordinate with them the questionnaire and sample design before conducting the survey.

I would be glad if you write in the comments your recommendations on the topic, I will definitely include them in the body of the topic.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23853/

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