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Javascript elevator layout

This article will talk about how to learn a relay elevator circuit with high quality and fast. Those familiar with this question know that the old Soviet elevators, which many people watch every day at home, work according to a program that is not done in C ++, not in assembler, and is not even embedded in an integrated circuit.

The program is implemented electro-mechanically with the help of relays and switches, which change their state depending on the position and condition of the cabin, cabin doors, elevator shaft doors.

The conversation will go about how to learn this scheme in order to be able to find and fix breakdowns in the elevator.

The schematic diagram of the elevator consists of a huge number of “opening” and “closing” contacts, which react to the state of electro-magnetic coils, cabins, doors, and so on. Understanding how it all works just by looking at the scheme is very difficult and very long. Therefore, the idea arose to create an interactive concept of the elevator, which itself would tell and show what happens to it as it is used, and also preferably allow for minor breakdowns and show what happens in the elevator circuit in this case and how it behaves in that case elevator.
I decided to implement the idea using javascript.

The picture shows a situation where the elevator is going down to the ninth floor and someone has broken the call button, so it is locked all the time. The whole scheme on the laptop screen does not fit, therefore, is divided into 7 tabs. The source can be found on github.

It may be interesting for modern programmers to look under the hood of the “oldest”, but very reliable program, which still works in many high-rise buildings, and for electronics engineers to look at a diagram that can tell itself. I did not find any analogs on the Internet. Probably, one of all electricians on elevators had nothing to do, but the result was interesting, I liked it and I decided to share it with the community of enthusiasts and just people who are interested in technology.

A little bit of explanation. Everyone is familiar with the order and call buttons. A reverse is what happens when a cabin door collides with an obstacle. On the top left are the operation mode switches and control buttons that are located in the machine room (above the topmost floor) and on the control panel (on the elevator car), which is used to move around the mine during elevator maintenance.

Based on the scheme from the book "Device, maintenance and repair of elevators" (Manukhin SB, Nelidov IK).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238519/

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