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English words. Methods and methods of memorization

The processes of globalization have long made our planet a single whole society, which allows you to quickly and easily establish contacts between its individual members. However, some barriers still exist today - among them it is worth noting language, which limit communication between people. The international language of communication is considered English - English, and in particular English words are the most common, but not all people can use them effectively. Currently, there are many different methods of teaching foreign languages, with which you can reach a new level of personal, business and work communications. One of the most difficult and necessary conditions for learning a language is memorizing English words. This article will discuss the methods and ways of memorizing English words.

Why is it so necessary to use effective methods of memorizing English words?
Surely, everyone remembers the boring and ineffective cramming that was practiced in school. Foreign words and, in particular, English words were written out in special notebooks, then they were memorized without understanding the essence, and the scope of their application became translations of small texts. This method originated at the beginning of the century, and he received the name of grammar-translational . Unfortunately, after several decades of use, it was recognized to be wrong - some time after passing the program, students lose up to 60% of their vocabulary, and many fail to learn how to build meaningful sentences and maintain conversations.

Around the middle of the century, scientists found that memorizing English words is much better when people understand what is hidden under a specific word. Based on this conclusion, they created a figurative-associative method . When it is used, students are given cards that contain a drawing and signatures in various languages. In this case, with English words. In the process of studying the brain automatically draws parallels between graphic and textual information, which contributes to the establishment of more solid knowledge.

The development of new technologies has led to the possibility of using audio recordings, which helped to better memorize not only English words , but also whole expressions or rules for constructing grammatical structures in the language. The audio-lingual method assumed classes in classrooms with tape recorders and headphones, in which people spent quite a long time. Frequent repetitions made it possible to memorize words, and the use of records dictated by the native speakers of the language made it possible to learn the correct pronunciation. However, in practice, the method was not much better than grammar-translational - students quickly lost their knowledge and forgot the material studied.

The development of this method was the suggestion method or accelerated memorization - he suggested studying in a dream or using specially structured records that were better perceived by the human brain. To get an idea of ​​it, it is worth remembering the favorite film about the adventures of the eternal student Shurik. It also shows the characteristic flaws - in most cases, the brain remembers the material submitted to it without practical understanding, which leads to the complete impossibility of using language means and English words in particular.

In modern practice, references to integral methods that combine several different techniques are increasingly common. In particular, not only English words and image cards, but also parallel voice recordings are used for better memorization. From the method of suggestopedia, they learned a special structure of lessons on learning English. In particular, the method of decreasing frequency of repetitions ( WiKi - interval repetitions ) showed very good results - unlike crates, it does not set as its goal to quickly learn a certain word and forget about it. After the first lessons, the student may not remember the material submitted to him, but his subconscious will perceive the information. Ideally chosen frequency of learning repetitions allows you to firmly consolidate knowledge. The practical experience of implementing such a program showed high efficiency - the share of lost vocabulary was several times lower than when using alternative methods. At the same time, not only simple words are memorized, but also complex, complex concepts. For example, this technique in combination with images meaning English words and their pronunciation is used by the free program EngCards .

Integral techniques are well combined with modern electronic technologies - thanks to their use, self-study can be carried out at any time and in any setting, while achieving excellent results. Best suited for this mobile gadgets on iOS and Android. It is on them that are now most useful applications for learning English.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238505/

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