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Venice Project is close to launch

The system of Internet TV of the new generation of Venice Project , created by the Skype development team on the same technology platform, that is, on the same peer-to-peer technology Joltid Global Index, is close to the official launch, reports AFP .

Niklas Zennstrem and Janus Friis invested in the new project a part of the money received from the sale of their previous startup Skype to eBay Corporation for 1.9 billion euros. At the moment, the Venice Project is undergoing closed beta testing for an audience of 6,000 users, and the official launch will take place next year, when contracts with large TV channels for content delivery will be signed.

The Venice Project has already opened offices in Holland, London, New York and Toulouse.
This is the second attempt of Niklas Zennstrem to enter the peering video market. The first attempt ( Kazaa ) was not entirely successful. The file-sharing network, which was originally created for the exchange of amateur videos (like YouTube), was ahead of its time, and was used inappropriately, by pirates. About this Zennstrem tells in one of his interviews ( MP3 ).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2385/

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