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Automatic Radio Secretary, or ARS, or Arsik (1966)

Hi, Habr!

Boris Grishin, a teacher at the Kaluga Railway Technical School, in 1966 presented the country with an invention, on which he spent about three years. Why did he do it? As in the case of the tablet for the elderly, which was written on Habré, the robot was created to help the parent - the inventor's mother, who because of the illness could not, for example, answer the phone or call herself Ambulance on her own.

Perhaps I know too little about those years, but it seems to me that it was something from the realm of fantasy.
Attention, images - traffic.



The robot answered calls when the owner was not at home. He had a built-in cassette tape recorder, which the robot included after a short message for the caller on the topic "Comrade is not at home, say, I am recording." After that, ARS recorded a message on tape for a couple of minutes and put the phone down. Yes, he picked up the phone with his hand, but not to his ear, but he could also bring it to the owner and give it to him. The fact that there are messages, ARS reported using illuminated eyes. If Boris departed for a while, Arsik could ask to hang on the line or call back at a certain time.

Also, the robot woke up the owner at a certain time, for example, using a radio, after which it transmitted the morning exercises. Remember the moment of charging in “Well, wait a minute?” Guests could greet the guests and turn on the music by telling them when the owner would return. Could and turn on the TV or radio. And pour soda.

There is another interesting property of the robot: on and off lighting. In addition, he maintained the temperature in the room, as the controllers were connected to the radiators. This is after all the "Smart Home" sample of the 1960s.

The telephone set was made so that the robot could dial the desired number.


Dimensions and materials

The weight of the robot was about 100 kg - it will pin down and not rise. Body material - sheet aluminum. The surface of the case was matte and polished in some places. On the right side of the case was a table for the phone, on the left - a retractable table for bottles and mugs.

What is it made of?

The design is described in this article .

13 electric motors with mechanical gears set the robot in motion. The tape recorder uses a specially designed tape drive mechanism. The telephone is also built in a special way, as I mentioned above.

So the robot's foot was built. By the way, he had his knees too - they were made with a swivel. The direction of movement is changed with the help of bearings in the foot.


There were two tape recorders, with ferromagnetic tapes 6 and 18 mm wide. Typical tasks, readable by magnetic heads, controlled by the signals of the step finder, were recorded on a wide tape. Narrow contained telephone information.



Left-handed robot poured lemonade.


Or other drinks, including alcoholic.


The block design made it possible to conveniently access any element.


Magazine references

Interview with the robot.

In 1967, Arsik became one of the most difficult at the competition of robots in the magazine Technique of Youth.


The grudging robot is the beginning of the article about ARS.


Continuation of the article. Was this robot behavior really possible?



Investment needs

Now robotics has gone far ahead, but you will not see such a robot assistant at anybody’s house. Mobile and “smart” phones, laptops and computers, tablets, devices for seniors like “Buttons of Life” - this is more than enough, but there are no robots. But they could help, for example, the disabled and the elderly, if you select the most useful functions for a particular person.

Creating a full-fledged assistant robot will require large investments, although the most difficult, perhaps, will be combining the achievements of Russian designers, which sometimes show very interesting things, with each other. It is necessary to collect these achievements and use them for a single, truly universal project.

The main thing - do not forget the Three Laws of Robotics.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238479/

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