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Virtual Reality 2.0

All these wide screens, 3D sound, 3D displays, holograms do not develop as quickly as we would like. And no matter how it turned out, before creating an image in space of 3D, people will learn to substitute the signal coming into the brain from all the senses. And then the need for many technologies will disappear and the real one will begin ...
The virtual reality
That's about it, I decided to dream

If, for example, films are taken, then the idea of ​​virtual reality that they offer is rather primitive, and the problematic on the basis of which the plot is built will hardly take place in reality.

Here are some examples:
1. death in the virtual leads to physical death in real life - almost without comment. Although some theories can be attracted to this problem, I doubt that this will take place in such a form, if only death by fright). And as it is shown in the Matrix - this just will not happen.

2. forgetting that you are in the virtual is, of course, possible. But only if the virtual world will accurately copy the real world, even with imitating the behavior of living people from your real world - which is unrealistic. And only if the return to the real will be simulated in the virtual (Existence :)). Even so, a person will quickly suspect that something is wrong. And to forget that you were entering a virtual reality is also that when you wake up in Spain, to forget how you flew there from Moscow on vacation yesterday.
3. virtual reality is governed by a single monopoly structure ... bad
4. The problem of virtual reality and crime is poorly disclosed
5. Well, and other stuff that people are crazy, for example

And now my vision of what will be Virtual Reality and the fun and problems it will bring: First. Virtual reality will not be alone. There will be a lot of them, they will be like sites, belong to different authors. Each creator will create their own virtual reality with their own world, laws and rules. There will be any jokes with the ability to move from one virtual machine to another - such as a gate to other worlds). I think there will be greater freedom at the creator - the worlds will be able to obey the laws of other physics ... or, for example, be in the body of another creature (by the way, this is not so easy)

The second. In the same way as the Internet, initially virtualka will develop chaotically, not subject to any laws. And this is a very interesting ground for creativity. How do you virtualka where you can kill, smoke, poke, rape women and even children? If you give maniacs and perverts to satisfy their “needs”, will it allow them to relieve the real world from such manifestations or, on the contrary, will it only get worse? Psychologists have something to think about.

And what if there will be an official therapy for such sick people - maniacs will be treated with a virtual machine - just letting them blow off steam. Or maybe cutting a “truly” thousand other virtual people to a maniac will not be interested in this? Well, the problem of "rest" for the brain with the help of alcohol and drugs will solve almost completely, leaving only psychological dependence. And what kind of drugs are there ?! - Virtualka will be able to suggest that the thread is much more tower-breaking - the brain will be like to rest)

Third. An interesting topic is the exit from virtualka to the real world with the help of mechanic robotic robots). Those. like bicycles for hire - there will be mechanoids in real life with cameras there, that's all right. And, being in the virtual world, it will be possible to take control over them and thus end up in the real world without leaving the virtual one). Just like this: from the virtual world, connect to such a mechanoid, come to your home and watch your real body jerk your limbs in the virtual reality machine - funny, right? ) These mechanoids, by the way, can really become a weapon for crimes ... anonymously.

Fourth. In virtual reality it will be impossible to "live." Natural needs have not been canceled. And even if it will be possible to feed and discharge the waste through the tubes, someone will have to make sure that the food is not over, and the waste is not overfilled. Although if you follow all this with the help of a mechanoid, and earn money in a virtual machine, then convert virtual currency into real, then ... o_O - but you will never forget about the existence of the real world)

And finally ... I think virtual realities will be used for entertainment, enhancing comfort in the performance of typical tasks, communication, medicine, research, but not completely replace the real world because they are all just a product of the real world just like you and me) But that’s certain - they will change this world very cool - they will erase many borders, a person will finally be able to feel complete freedom. Change the direction of scientific activity, and all current ideas about the future will be wrong. A lot of problems will be solved and a lot of new problems will appear. In short, it will be interesting - you just need it to be :)

PS: the Internet, by the way, is also a virtual reality, only at a very early stage)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23847/

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