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The Japanese operator KDDI has not made a decision on which 4G technology it will use

Continuing to read the April issue of "3G Wireless Broadband", published by analysts from Informa T & M, came across an interesting article about the Japanese operator KDDI, who never decided what its 4G network would be. The choice between LTE (including WiMax) and UMB (Ultra Mobile Broadband) has not yet been made. Details under habrakat.

Earlier, the operator officially announced that by 2010 it will deploy a LTE network (Long Term Evolution), however, according to official KDDI representatives, “the choice has not yet been made and we are ready to consider any options.” The choice of LTE looks more preferable, because this technology is supported by China Mobile (the largest operator for the known reasons in the world), Vodafone (Europe), Verizon Wireless (USA) and others. However, the KDDI operator itself does not see particular advantages in WiMax, despite the fact that in February, testing of technology was organized in some areas of the Japanese railway. WiMax is considered by the operator as a “appendage”, a certain feature of the new network, but not as a full-fledged service.

At the same time, the operator is not too eager to upgrade to 1xEV-DO Rev.B, and did not make the final decision to support UMB due to the fact that the largest CDMA operators have not yet provided full support for this technology. But the operator does not intend to abandon CDMA yet; after all, the CDMA upgrade will be much cheaper than building a new network.
And we are here with you about 3G ... The Japanese would have our problems;)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23845/

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