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Create a virtual mPOS terminal

Dear friends,

At Payler, we always try to invent and develop new products. We have an idea that we would like to tell you and to hear your opinion - whether such a product will be in demand, what its variations can be. At the end of the post you are waiting for the survey - we will be very grateful if you answer the questions. We propose to develop virtual mobile terminals processing payments from bank cards. Details under the cut:


Is it possible to replace mPOS terminals?

We have long been asking ourselves the question whether the market needs mPos terminals , but the answer has not yet been found. There were many offers to purchase a white label and develop from scratch under our Payler payment gateway, but we refused. At this stage, we have concluded an agency contract with SumUp to represent this area. For several months, we sold more than 15 readers. Everything was going fine, the demand satisfied the offer, but one person made us think differently.

If you want a change in the future - become this change in the present

Once a client came to us and asked this question:

“I bought this reader from you, and now for hours I’m doing what I teach my employees to use. They don't understand how to handle this thing. Think of something simpler, some kind of application. In general, it's better without this reader, you still need to charge it, one hassle with it. ”

After that, the client put the mPOS terminals on the table and demanded to return the money to him. After he left, we had an idea. We have assembled an operational working group on Skype and began to invent what to replace mPOS. Moreover, we invited not only employees, but also clients to the working group.

We realized that we already have a suitable solution. When designing a mobile personal account a year ago, we tried to strictly follow the GDD methodology, which resulted in an interesting mechanic, but it was still not that.


We decided to develop everything from scratch. It all started with customer questions and project business design. After several hours of discussions and disputes, we immediately began to make prototypes of interfaces. Our art director has already taken part in designing for one bank that has an mPOS solution, so we boldly stopped a number of factors for the first version in order to roll it out as quickly as possible. Having defined the main “wishes” of business representatives, we defined the payment process as follows:

The courier arrives with the goods to the buyer. The buyer says "Sorry, I only have a card." The courier takes out a smartphone, selects the product that the buyer ordered, and accepts payment using one of the following methods:

Getting on the main screen, the courier can choose several options for accepting payments

Reception can be carried out by entering manually. Of course, he will not see the card numbers on his screen:


So with the scanner:


And if the client does not want to give you a card, then by billing on a mobile phone or e-mail


Accordingly, the courier will always be able to verify the status of payment, see the history:


And return the payment (if you have access rights).

It is very important for us to know your opinion.

The first version of our vmPOS-terminal has already been sent to the development and will soon see the light. It will not be possible to add a product directly from the application, we will add it to other versions, or maybe not, because by creating this product we want to develop it the way you would.

Therefore, we ask you to help us with your ideas, comments, questions, criticism. Perhaps such a decision is needed for your business and you would like to get the product, sharpened for you. You have this opportunity.

And finally, a brief questionnaire:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238441/

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