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Is it possible to create a lightsaber from the point of view of modern science?

Thanks to the extensive technical description created by the screenwriters, we have a pretty good idea of ​​how a lightsaber can be made. And for decades now, millions of fans of the Star Wars universe have been dreaming of creating such a technology. Let's see in what approximation modern science allows you to create a weapon a la lightsaber?

It looks like the "original" lightsaber in the section.

First, let's look at how the Jedi lightsaber works. Despite the name, the beam of this weapon does not consist of light. This is an erroneous term (if it is possible to speak at all about erroneousness in this case) of the same order as the “shooting star” as applied to meteoric bodies burning in the Earth’s atmosphere. Poetic, but no more. The most correct description of the principle of the action of the lightsaber will be the following: a plasma arc is created, which is “drawn out” with the help of a magnetic field and a focusing crystal in the form of a long thin line. But it must be kept in mind that there is something very similar to the force used by the Jedi and the Siths to manipulate physical objects.
As an illustration from real life, we can give this electric arc, which changes its shape under the influence of a magnetic field while playing music:

Another example of an arc:

It is perfectly possible to imagine how this arc is “taken” in the middle and drawn out about a meter, turning into a “blade” of the sword. Although in reality it is a very difficult task, but we will return to this later.

Today we already use technologies that are very close to the above description of the principle of the action of the lightsaber. For example, in devices for cutting metal in factories around the world, a “beam” of super-hot plasma is applied (up to 40,000 degrees).

This diagram shows the plasma cutter device, and is similar to how a lightsaber can be made. Unfortunately, this is where the similarities end. The arc formed is very small in size (it is indicated by a blue line in the diagram). It ignites the pressurized gas, which acts as a coolant, diverting the arc energy to the outside.

The main “disadvantage” of the plasma cutter, from the point of view of our task, lies in the very small size of the arc. At best, it can be “stretched” to 12-15 cm. In addition, these devices consume a huge amount of electricity. The nozzle of the cutter must be constantly cooled with running water, otherwise it will melt very quickly. In some torches, the gas flow acts as a cathode, and the surface being cut as an anode. As a result, the plasma arc is relatively long and taken out of the apparatus. But in any case, such plasma torches cannot be used as weapons. At least, because first you have to connect a high voltage cable to your opponent.

So far, we do not possess the technology that allows us to extend and hold the arc using a magnetic field. Even if it is pulled out of a certain hypothetical handle, it will be unstable, constantly deviating to the sides in a random order, trying to “stick” to the nearest surface.

In addition, since the arc will be an extremely elongated loop, branches located at a small distance from each other will simply merge and the arc will again be shortened. But even if we somehow solve both of the problems described, we still have others: a powerful loss of heat and the intangible nature, so to speak, of the nature of the arc, that is, it cannot be used to block or parry the blow of the enemy’s weapons.

Another way

Probably worth thinking in a completely different direction. So, our task is to create hand weapons, capable of cutting through various materials, having a glowing "retractable" blade. To date, the closest option theoretically available to us is a string of several strands consisting of carbon nanotubes. The cutting ability of the string can be given using a pulsating electromagnetic field and / or plasma. This kind of "energy vibro-sword" in its design will resemble a bow, because it is necessary to somehow pull this wire. Otherwise, you get a whip, not a sword.

In order to ensure that the blade can be "extended", it may be necessary to make the hard part of the blade telescopic, and place the wire in the form of a coil in the handle. To ensure high mechanical strength, the telescopic part can also be made from carbon nanotubes. The hard part of the blade will be thin enough to pass through the material being cut after the hot wire, and at the same time thick enough to withstand the impact of the enemy's weapons.

To maximize the life of the cutting wire and reduce heat loss, you need to apply energy just before contact with the cut surface, sending a pulse from the handle to the tip. The wires forming the wire will gradually wear out as the charge passes from the outer layers of the wire to the core. As a result, the effect of permanent ablation will be observed, which will require regular updating of the wire, because it will be very thin. The thinner it is, the higher the cutting ability of the weapon.

The source of energy will still be very large, you may have to carry it in your backpack. It will be necessary to solve the problem of thermal insulation of the handle, including through the forced limitation of the continuous operation time. Given the very high brightness of the glowing wire, you will need to use special light-protective glasses. If we are talking about the use of the most advanced achievements of science, then glasses can also be not just optical filters. Perhaps it would be advisable to use smart glasses. Being completely transparent in normal wear, they will dynamically darken or make opaque only a small area of ​​the field of view, sufficient to cover the glowing glowing wire.

This is how the “energy vibro-sword” could look like as a result:

And what more or less available (or promising) technologies would you suggest using for such a hand weapon?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238433/

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