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Stephen Fry and Gutenberg Printing Machine

I wanted to limit myself to posting on dirty, but after watching I saw too many parallels with the Internet and today’s affairs in general.

(Beginning of the film. Read more about the continuation.)

Within an hour, Fry talks about the first printer, participates in recreating the printing press, makes paper and pours letters. BBC production documentary in English.
It's great that good actors occasionally engage in similar educational activities. I haven't watched it yet, but I highly recommend it for self-education both to boys and girls and their parents. The material is not as specific as the movie Hatsvita about the font - "Helvetica" (very remarkable, by the way).

In general, in the "Typography" posting recorded purely formally. It is equally, if not more, relevant in Startups, in the Future is here, and in My Business. What is worth only the passage about the crisis of the project with the subsequent replacement of the carrier - paper instead of parchment.

Here is the full version of the film . In the posting - the first part of the YouTube cut. Here are the second , third , fourth , fifth and sixth .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23843/

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