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The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 72 (September 22-28)

The past week was remembered by many changes in the rules of Google Play for developers, leapfrogging with iOS versions and bent iPhones, localization of apps for the Chinese market and an interesting story about voice recognition in a mobile app.

DPI designer guide

This guide is an introduction to cross-DPI and cross-platform design for beginners and intermediate designers who want to learn about it from the very beginning or to get more knowledge. Without complex mathematical and incomprehensible diagrams, only direct explanations, arranged in small sections, for understanding and applying them directly to your design work.

Localization of applications for the Chinese market

Actually, it is not a secret for anyone that the market of the PRC (as well as Hong Kong and Taiwan) is a dream for any igproizvoditelyu. Given the excitement of the Chinese, their suggestibility and the prevalence of mobile phones among the population (as well as the number of subscribers), a successful entry into the Chinese market can bring huge profits. In this publication, I will try to describe all this time-consuming path, as well as the main pitfalls that can occur along this path.

How to make a good video for the application page on the App Store

Recently, an application with our video has successfully passed moderation, so I want to share my experience on how to make videos for an App Store page and not screw it up: what and how a developer can do, what is better to outsource, and what chips it’s better to refuse.

My way is an indie developer, the results of several years

For several years now I have been creating games. Sometimes in free time from work, sometimes in breaks between work, and sometimes instead of it. During this time I have released several games, a couple of which may be worthy of attention. In this publication I want to tell you about the path I traveled, from the designer who wanted to make games to the designer who makes the games.

Ultrafast speech recognition without servers using a real example

In this article I will tell you in detail and show you how to correctly and quickly fasten the recognition of Russian speech on the Pocketsphinx engine (for iOS, the port OpenEars) with a real example of controlling home appliances. Why home appliances? Yes, because thanks to such an example, one can estimate the speed and accuracy that can be achieved using completely local speech recognition without servers such as Google ASR or Yandex SpeechKit.



Windows phone


Marketing and monetization



The worst of the swelled

← Digest last week . If I missed something in the search for updates, send it to the mail, I will quickly add it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238429/

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